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New A2A Cub and FSUIPC

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2 minutes ago, big-mike said:

i cannot fly the new Cub for P3D v4,moving the Throttle a bit and she stands on the Prop.

Without FSUIPC  no problems.

How to solve this please?

Sounds like your settings in FSUIPC are all wrong.   Without seeing your FSUIPC5.INI file we cannot help further. Just having FSUIPC installed and running won't change anything, so we need to check what you'd done.

Have you any problems with other aircraft?



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I don't see much wrong with your settings, but you have the same settings for all aircraft, no profiles for different aircraft.

You have throttles all set (twice in fact) for the separate throttles system:

7=2Z,256,F,66423,66426,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_THROTTLE2_SET, AXIS_THROTTLE3_SET }-
8=2R,256,F,66420,66429,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_THROTTLE1_SET, AXIS_THROTTLE4_SET }-
9=3X,256,F,65820,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: THROTTLE1_SET }-
10=3Y,256,F,65821,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: THROTTLE2_SET }-
11=3Z,256,F,65821,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: THROTTLE2_SET }-

First, it generally is not a good idea to have multiple assignments in this way unless you have a good null zone at the Idle position, and make sure the unused throttles are not moved.

Second I think those two assignments to two throttle controls each could be done better by using the mapping provided for that purpose, but that would involve using profiles -- which I think is the better way in any case -- and in fact usually one of the main points of using FSUIPC. There's really nothing inyour axis assignments (at least) which could not be done in the P3D assignments. You can still calibrate in FSUIPC when using those.

Finally, to your problem more specifically, I suspect that the A2A cub needs you to assign to the generic throttle (AXIS THROTTLE SET) -- the one calibrated on the first calibration page in FSUIPC's tab. Either that, or just not calibrating in FSUIPC. This is because one of the main advantages in FSUIPC of assigning to the 4 separate throttles is that it sends these on to the simulator as the old (FS98 dated) "THROTTLEN_SET" controls. It does this as those are the only ones providing a reverse range.  But some aircraft are programmed in a way that this causes adverse effects.

However, in the [JoystickCalibration] section you'll find this parameter:


If you have set "no reverse zone" for the throttles, which I assume you have, then setting this parameter to "Yes" instead of No might fix your current problem. I don't know -- it depends on how the A2A Cub has been programmed. If that's all you want to fix it is worth a try. Otherwise I suggest you set up your first profile, one for the Cub, and use the generic assignment for the throttle there. this is worth doing as I'm sure you'll find reasons for other profiles in the future.





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