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Comments in FSUIPC.INI

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How can I put in an comment after the lines in FSUIPC.INI   after the inouts in f.inst. in the buttons register.
I would like to call the buttons by name after the Event ID. I have tried with different brackets, but after PC restart all the comments are gone.


Buttons. B737
2=R0,23,C69745     {Custom Control 69745} and I would like [Left Fixed Landing Light]

How do I do that and not loosing it again on restart


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1 hour ago, hrings said:

How can I put in an comment after the lines in FSUIPC.INI   after the inouts in f.inst. in the buttons register.
I would like to call the buttons by name after the Event ID. I have tried with different brackets, but after PC restart all the comments are gone.

If you are using any recent version if FSUIPC, the decoding of the Event is annotated against the assignment in any case. For example:

21=P174,3,C65789,8     -{SIM_RATE_INCR}-
22=P174,4,Cx0D0086E8,x20     -{offset byte togglebits, offset 86E8}-

Those comments are added automatically and replaced each time in case you edit or re-assign them.

The same applies to axis assignments, thus:

0=16X,256,D,1,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Aileron }-
1=16Y,256,D,2,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Elevator }-
2=16R,256,F,x020057C6,0,0,0    -{ FSUIPC: offset word set, offset 57C6 }-
3=16U,512,F,x020057C0,0,0,0    -{ FSUIPC: offset word set, offset 57C0 }-

You can also add your ouwn comments in front of this by preceding then with a ; thus:

234=P64,17,C1079,0 ; Traffic Zapper     -{traffic zapper}-
235=P66,1,C1006,112 ;SayIt     -{KEYSEND 112 for WideFS}-

This is obviously a bit pointless in the first example, but useful in the second, where FSUIPC cannot possibly know what you've assigned in the WideFS client PC.

The use of ; preceding comments is fairly widespread in Windows text files, in many INI and CFG files especially.





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