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Reading GSX datas

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Hello Pete,

I'm trying to read variables of GSX but the values return always 0 (sometimes it's work).

This is my code : GSXNumPassengers = ipc.readLvar("L:FSDT_GSX_NUMPASSENGERS_BOARDING")

I also test :     GSXNumPassengers = ipc.readLvar("FSDT_GSX_NUMPASSENGERS_BOARDING") but have the same result.

How can I read GSX variables correctely and that the values are updated ?

Thank you in advance.

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34 minutes ago, Amaniera said:

I'm trying to read variables of GSX but the values return always 0 (sometimes it's work).

Sorry, but I don't know anything about GSX L:Vars, nor therefore how they behave.

Why don't you use the FSUIPC assignable control to list all L:Vars and their current values, or, possibly better, runthe supplied Lua plug-in called "Log LVars.lua" which will display them as they change.

This way you can double-check your own Lua plug-in.



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Don't have GSX either but have read that, and also experienced in other modules, that the L:Var isn't created in the gauge system until ready to use for the first time.
Wish I knew how they did that.  ))
In any case the lua may fail if dealing with strings, or keep running and return zero.
You could try something like this:

  if GSXNumPassengers = 0 or GSXNumPassengers = nil then
      ipc.display("Passenger loading hasn't started")
      ipc.display(tostring(GSXNumPassengers) .. " passengers are boarding on this flight.")


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