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Speed flap movement, EMB configuration utility and FMS questions


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In the real Plane when you select Flap 1, it gets Flap 1 position in 12 seconds aprox. In Flap 2, 3, 4 and 5 about 4 seconds. 

Another problem: Its not posible to change something in the aircraft configurator, Like the weight in kgs and the press in hpa. 

Another problem: On the real Plane, before take off, you press Lnav button checking your expected departure, and you see Lnav armed in the FMA.  it engaged exactly at 400 AGL after take off. 

And finally, are you planned to provide a remote fms in Ipads or Android tablets, like PMDGs products???

Thanks in advance. 



Edit subject line to reflect questions - mods.

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