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Download FSUIPC4

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*** Moved from FAQ section to Main Support Forum ***

Hi  Im brand new to FSUIPC and not very computer cluey . Today I purchased the FSUIPC4 from Simmarket but I cannot seem to download it . When I get to registration it will not accept

I had an older version 2018 and it keeps going back to that ( sometime the pop says there is a later version ) for which i never had a registration key ... pls help as i waan to get this going on FSX SE 


Edited by John Dowson
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First, you posted in the FAQ section. Please always request support via the main Support forum. I have moved your post for you.

2 hours ago, Lakshman said:

but I cannot seem to download it

You can download from here: FSUIPC4.zip

2 hours ago, Lakshman said:

When I get to registration it will not accept

So you have downloaded it and ran the installer?

To register, you need to use all 3 details (name, email address, key) EXACTLY as specified in your simmarket account - copy and paste to be sure.

2 hours ago, Lakshman said:

I had an older version 2018 and it keeps going back to that

There have been no changes in FSUIPC4 since February 2018, so its probably the same version.

2 hours ago, Lakshman said:

( sometime the pop says there is a later version )

Not sure what you mean by this...the installer won't copy the dll if you have the same or a later version already installed.

Note that if you are running the new FSX-SE beta, you should read this post:


and maybe also this: 





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First, you are hijacking an unrelated post - in future please create a new topic if there isn't an existing (newish) topic that is relevant.

18 minutes ago, Ambrosoli Massimiliano said:

FSUIPC4 it's  a  valid solution?

Well, that depends upon your problem!

18 minutes ago, Ambrosoli Massimiliano said:

Is possible install it  after installing iFly 737NG game?

You install FSUIPC4 in the sim, and you can install before or after you install your 737NG.

Folks are using FSUIPC4 with the iFly 7s7NG (e.g. see

You can always download and install an unregistered version. Then take a look at the provided documents to see the extra facilities provided by registration to determine if you would like to purchase a license or not (as no refunds are given).


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