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Q: Possibility of Aircraft Shutdown via FSUIPC ?

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wonder if it would be possible to reset any Aircraft to a full shut down and parked (or cold and dark) via the module ? (maybe add a button in the Technical section or so.

You would really do this by switching everything off, switch by switch. Simulating all that with one switch or button seems a bit odd. Why would that be needed?


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to completely reset the aircraft without worrying to forget anything ?

Not simulating the pilot closing down at the end of his trip, then? just some cheat?

Why not do as I've always done -- create a Flight with everything switched off and load that when I want to start off with everything switched off? After all, for many complex add-on panels this may be the only way, as they have many private subsystems which are not part of FS itself and therefore not accessible to FSUIPC.



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