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FSX Data Format

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Hi to you both

I have been writing some software using Delphi  ( I now that is not something you are familiar with ) and I have it mostly working. Using wideclient I am able to access all sorts of the data by referencing the offsets. I have Air Speeds and Navigation Data all coming across nicely.

My question is this. The data under Offset 3130, 313C, 3148 and 3160 is causing me trouble as I can not figure out what data type it is.

I would have thought it must have been a string format But I cant make that work.

I realise this is a bit of a weird question  but If I can figure out what it is I can convert it to string.



Keep up the good work

Your Wideclient system is great.



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36 minutes ago, OwenM said:

My question is this. The data under Offset 3130, 313C, 3148 and 3160 is causing me trouble as I can not figure out what data type it is.

I would have thought it must have been a string format But I cant make that work.

As it states in the offsets list PDF they ARE strings. They are plain ordinary ASCII strings, as supplied by SimConnect. Maybe you are trying to access them as Unicode or Wide character. ASCII uses one byte per character, e.g. A-Z are 0x41-0x5A, space is 0x20, and 0-9 are 0x30 - 0x39.

All strings in the Offset interface are ASCII.




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