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FSUIPC6 preventing P3Dv5 closing fully

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I have been experiencing problems running FSUIPC6 6.0.1 with P3Dv5. On exiting P3Dv5 a background task of size 323KB remains running. It is labeled variously as Prepar3d, Prepar3d Scenario Startup and Lockhead Martin Prepar3D v5. This is causing issues running P3Dv5/FSUIPC6 subsequently. The background task has to stopped manually in Task Manager to restore correct operation.

I used the P3Dv5 options to disable FSUIPC6. The problem does not occur and all P3D tasks stop on exiting. I conclude that the hanging background task relates to FSUIPC6 not closing properly.

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Further information. The same issue affects P3Dv.5 running with FSUIPC6 6.0.1. The fsuipc6.logs (attached) show that all processes are being closed but P3D background task remains running. Only by ending the hanging task am I able to get LINDA (my supported app) to run correctly (ie. interacting with FSUIPC6) on next P3D start.

EDIT: One further indication that FSUIPC6 is still running is that I was unable to rename the fsuipc6.log files until I closed the hanging background task.

FSUIPC6 P3Dv5.log FSUIPC6 P3Dv4_5.log

Edited by Scotfleiger
Further clarification
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2 hours ago, Scotfleiger said:

FSUIPC6 back on produced the hanging background task on exiting P3D.

So this occurs with FSUIPC6 being the only add-on?

Could you download and try v6.0.2 please. No specific fix for this (as I cannot reproduce) but I would like to know if the problem still exists in this version for you.

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Hi John

Sorry to bring you more problems.

I stripped out all other add-ons including all LINDA code and still got the hanging background task. FSUIPC.log is also locked from being renamed until End Task is used.

I installed FSUIPC6 6.0.2 into the user/add-ons/fsuipc6 folder and I am still seeing the problem (see screenshot below). I also this time got the duplicate FSUIPC copies running error dialog on one occasion. On exiting P3Dv5 FSUIPC6 is correctly closing the running programs (via [programs]) but the process is still hanging and has to be stopped manually.



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you said all of Linda is stripped out but the that doesn't close you sent shows this? Can you please send the log from a session without Linda .


    28922 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] *********************** STARTING LINDA ***********************
    28953 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Loading System Configuration files
    28969 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Loading linda-cfg/system/config-sys
    28969 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] linda-cfg/system/config-sys loaded
    28984 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] path_user = C:/Users/andre/Documents/Prepar3D v5 Add-ons/FSUIPC6
    28984 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Loading linda-cfg/system/config-hid
    28984 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] linda-cfg/system/config-hid loaded
    29000 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Loading linda-cfg/system/config-vri
    29000 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] linda-cfg/system/config-vri loaded
    29016 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] VRInsight MCP Set = mcp2a
    29031 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] VRI: Enabled=nil COMPort=com3 Delay=15000
    29031 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] System Configuration files loaded
    30031 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled
    30047 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] ACNAME = ""
    30047 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] 3D00   = "JF C152 G-BONW"
    30047 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] *************************************************************
    30062 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] New Aircraft Selected - restarting...
    30062 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] *************************************************************
    30062 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Detecting Aircraft
    30062 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Reading Aircraft ...
    30078 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Reading Available Aircraft Modules
    30078 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] dir path = "C:/Users/andre/Documents/Prepar3D v5 Add-ons/FSUIPC6/linda/aircrafts/"
    30094 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft found: A2A_C172
    30109 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft found: A2A_C182
    30109 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft found: Aerosoft A3XX Pro
    30125 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft found: Aerosoft CRJ-700-900
    30125 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft found: Beech_King_Air_350
    30141 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft found: C172 BAV
    30141 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft found: C172N
    30156 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft found: FSLabs A3xx
    30172 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft found: JF C152
    30172 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft found: Majestic Dash 8 Q-400
    30187 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft found: PMDG 737 NGXu
    30187 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft found: PMDG 737NGX
    30203 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft found: PMDG 777
    30203 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft found: PMDG P8A
    30219 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft found: QW787
    30219 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Reading Available Aircraft Modules completed
    30219 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Reading Libraries ...
    30219 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Reading Library Modules
    30234 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Library found: lib-a2amap.lua
    30250 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Library found: lib-aivlasoft.lua
    30250 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Library found: lib-ATC.lua
    30250 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Library found: lib-fallback.lua
    30266 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Library found: lib-FS2Crew.lua
    30266 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Library found: lib-fsx.lua
    30266 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Library found: lib-GSX.lua
    30281 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Library found: lib-IVAO.lua
    30281 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Library found: lib-realityxp.lua
    30297 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Library found: lib-saitek.lua
    30297 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Library found: lib-special.lua
    30297 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Library found: lib-user.lua
    30312 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Library found: lib-VATSIM.lua
    30312 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Library found: lib-vrinsight.lua
    30312 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Library found: lib-weather.lua
    30359 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Reading Library Modules completed
    30359 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] *************************************************************
    30375 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Current Aircraft: JF C152 G-BONW
    30375 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Air file: C:\Users\andre\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\JustFlight C152\SimObjects\Airplanes\JF_C152\JF_C152.air
    30375 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] ac = Airplanes\JF_C152\JF_C152.air
    30375 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] searching available aircraft modules..
    30391 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = CARENADO C172II N
    30391 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = C172N
    30391 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = PMDG 777
    30391 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = PMDG 777
    30406 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = C172 BAV
    30406 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = C172 BAV
    30406 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = PMDG P8A
    30406 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = PMDG P8A
    30422 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = MJC8Q400
    30422 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = Majestic Dash 8 Q-400
    30422 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = A2A_C172
    30437 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = A2A_C172
    30437 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = A2A_C182
    30437 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = A2A_C182
    30437 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = PMDG*737#NGXU
    30437 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = PMDG 737NGX
    30453 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = QUALITYWINGS 787
    30453 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = QW787
    30453 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] *** module found ********************************************
    30469 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = JF_C152
    30469 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = JF C152
    30469 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] *** module found ********************************************
    30484 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = BEECH_KING_AIR_350
    30484 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = Beech_King_Air_350
    30484 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = AEROSOFT CRJ
    30484 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = Aerosoft CRJ-700-900
    30500 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = FSLABS A3
    30500 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = FSLabs A3xx
    30500 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = NGXU
    30500 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = PMDG 737 NGXu
    30516 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = FSX DEFAULT
    30516 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = FSX Default
    30516 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] s = AEROSOFT A3
    30516 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] h = Aerosoft A3XX Pro
    30531 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] *************************************************************
    30531 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Aircraft module detected: JF C152
    30531 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] *************************************************************
    30547 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Calling Initialisation...
    30547 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Path = linda/system/init
    30656 LUA.1: LINDA:: [START] Detecting Aircraft completed
    30672 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] Starting Initialisation...
    30703 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] Loading Libraries...
    30703 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-aivlasoft
    30719 LUA.0: LINDA:: [LIB]  AivlaSoft library loaded...
    30719 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-ATC
    30719 LUA.0: LINDA:: [LIB]  ATC library loaded...
    30719 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-fallback
    30734 LUA.0: LINDA:: [LIB]  FSX standard library loaded...
    30734 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-FS2Crew
    30734 LUA.0: LINDA:: [LIB]  FS2Crew library loaded...
    30750 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-fsx
    30750 LUA.0: LINDA:: [LIB]  FSX Functions loaded...
    30750 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-GSX
    30766 LUA.0: LINDA:: [LIB]  GSX library loaded...
    30766 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-IVAO
    30766 LUA.0: LINDA:: [LIB]  IVAO library loaded...
    30766 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-realityxp
    30781 LUA.0: LINDA:: [LIB]  RealityXP library loaded...
    30781 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-saitek
    30781 LUA.0: LINDA:: [LIB]  Saitek Functions loaded...
    30781 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-special
    30797 LUA.0: LINDA:: [LIB]  User Library loaded...
    30797 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-user
    30797 LUA.0: LINDA:: [LIB]  User Library loaded...
    30797 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-VATSIM
    30812 LUA.0: LINDA:: [LIB]  VATSIM library loaded...
    30812 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-vrinsight
    30812 LUA.0: LINDA:: [LIB]  VRInsight Function Library loaded...
    30812 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-weather
    30828 LUA.0: LINDA:: [LIB]  Weather library loaded...
    30828 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-a2amap
    30828 LUA.0: LINDA:: [LIB]  A2A MAP library loaded...
    30828 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] Initializing Common Variables...
    30844 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] VAS Display set to 1
    30859 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Saitek GUI in use ..
    30906 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Check File Exists "linda-cfg/system/config-hid.lua"
    30922 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Check File Exists "linda-cfg/system/config-user.lua"
    30922 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Check File Exists "linda/aircrafts/JF C152/user.lua"
    30937 LUA.0: LINDA:: [USER] User's modifications script is loaded...
    30937 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] User FUNCTIONS loaded...
    30953 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Check File Exists "linda-cfg/aircrafts/JF C152/config-mcp2a.lua"
    30953 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] VRI MCP config loaded...
    30969 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] Finalising Initialisation...
    30969 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] Initialising HID devices...
    30984 LUA.0: LINDA:: [EVNT] InitHID...
    31359 LUA.0: LINDA:: [hHID] OnRepeats cleared for nil....
    31359 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Check File Exists "linda-cfg/aircrafts/FSX Default/config-hid.lua"
    31359 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] Default HID config loaded...
    31375 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Check File Exists "linda-cfg/aircrafts/JF C152/config-hid.lua"
    31375 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] Current aircraft (JF C152) HID config loaded...
    31391 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] Starting LINDA LUA setup
    31406 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] DSP Mode 2
    31937 LUA.0: LINDA:: [C152] pos = 90
    31937 LUA.0: LINDA:: [C152] airfile = C:\Users\andre\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\JustFlight C152\SimObjects\Airplanes\JF_C152\JF_C152.air
    31953 LUA.0: LINDA:: [C152] sounds = C:\Users\andre\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\JustFlight C152\SimObjects\Airplanes\JF_C152\panel/sound/
    31953 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Checking VRI
    31953 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Enabling VRI
    31969 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Check File Exists "linda-cfg/aircrafts/JF C152/config-mcp2a.lua"
    31969 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] ConnectMCP - Connecting to MCP Panel...
    31984 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] ConnectMCP completed - 9
    31984 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] InitMCP - Initialising MCP...
    32141 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] MCP Connect Command sent
    32297 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] MCP Reset and Connect completed
    32312 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Initializing MCP2a (Airbus) - Default...
    37359 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] RADIOS : Empty command for :: COM1 Select
    37422 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] InitMCP - completed
    38594 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] MCP Started...
    38594 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Starting Saitek Panels ..
    38594 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Saitek Multi Panel available!
    38609 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Connecting Saitek Multi Panel
    38625 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] SAI_DISPLAY=0 MP=nil
    38625 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Saitek Radio Panel available!
    38641 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Connecting Saitek Radio Panel ..
    38875 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] SAI_DISPLAY=0 RP=nil
    38875 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Saitek Switch Panel available!
    38875 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] Connecting Saitek Switch Panel
    38937 LUA.0: LINDA:: [COMM] SAI_DISPLAY=0 SP=nil
    38937 LUA.0: LINDA:: [hHID] OnRepeats cleared for nil....
    38953 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] Module: JF C152 Started...
    38953 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] VRI MCPcontrols event started - 9
    38969 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] Initiating Autosave true
    39016 LUA.0: LINDA:: [hHID] OnRepeats cleared for nil....
    39141 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] Ready to go, Captain!
    39156 LUA.0: LINDA:: [INIT] ***************************************************************


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Hi Thomas

The logs provided were with LINDA added back but the hanging task was there is all cases. The attached log is with FSUIPC6 as the only Add-on in P3Dv5. It causes the same issue.

What I did observed in Task Manager as P3D/FSUIPC6 shuts down:

  • Background Task Prepar3D.exe sized at ~= 750KB.
  • The VRI panel flashes as it resets. Size is 500KB.
  • Background Task Prepar3D.exe shown briefly as 'suspended'
  • Background Task Prepar3D.exe reduces to size 300KB and remains running.


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Just to add to this, in case it helps. When this sort of thing occurs, with possibly only one of FSUIPC's many threads not terminating, it is nearly always down to some driver or other which has been used by a plug-in and has hung, simply not returning. 

Since FSUIPC thinks it has successfuly closed everything such eventualities are not only difficult to diagnose, but impossible (as far as i can see) to program against. Lua threads which are created by FSUIPC are forcibly terminated if they don't go quietly (in the same manneras terminating a hung process via Task Manager) but there's nothing to stop Lua-started DLLs creating subthreads which FSUIPC isn't aware of.

I can only think that a process of elimination amongst the many parts of LINDA (which I've never been able to fathom) might get to the cause.



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2 minutes ago, Scotfleiger said:

The logs provided were with LINDA added back but the hanging task was there is all cases. The attached log is with FSUIPC6 as the only Add-on in P3Dv5.

Ah. That log is clearer and actually shows that FSUIPC is not terminating at all.  The Log shows it is hanging "Closing devices". 

So, try without the Arduino and the VRI devices.  Some software driver associated which one or the other is not terminating. (The other devices look pretty innocuous).



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Hi Pete

Thank you for your valuable insight. I ran a series of tests*** with all devices removed (except CH Flightstick), with VRI Combo added, and with all devices except the VRI Combo. You are correct.

It would appear to be the VRI Combo connected to COM3 that is the cause of the hanging background task. There are no software or drivers running with the VRI except the FDTI USB to Serial device drivers necessary to communicate to FSUIPC. This has not been an issue that I have seen previously.

NOTE: *** the tests involved disconnecting/connecting devices in turn, starting P3Dv5, operating the Pan View on the CH Flightstick, closing P3Dv5 and observing the Task Manager.

FSUIPC6 No Devices.log FSUIPC6 with VRI.log FSUIPC6with All Devices.log

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8 minutes ago, Scotfleiger said:

It would appear to be the VRI Combo connected to COM3 that is the cause of the hanging background task. There are no software or drivers running with the VRI except the FDTI USB to Serial device drivers necessary to communicate to FSUIPC. This has not been an issue that I have seen previously.

You'd think a problem like that would affect P3D4 as well. Does it?

I used to have lots of problems with cheaper end USB-Serial adapters. My PFC equipment (and my GS28R VFR cockpit) depends on good RS232 comms. I found Brainboxes to be the best make for sheer reliability and not hanging during transfers. Some others seem to hang as soon as you let their FIFO buffer fill.

Brainboxes do PCI and PCI-E cards, avoiding USB altogether, and also, more recently, two different USB adapters -- one high capacilty one with a really big FIFO buffer. Expensive though, compared to the dirt cheap ones.



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Hi Pete

P3Dv5 runs correctly regardless of whether the hanging task is there or not. LINDA button inputs to FSUIPC6 and FSUIPC6 axis inputs both work as normal. The main issue and how I spotted the problem is the display of FSUIPC6 log output (including LINDA lines) on the LINDA debug tracer. The logging is actually going to the fsuipc6.log as you can see. Also there is no communication with the VRI Combo Panel is the fault condition.

There is something blocking both the VRI output and FSUIPC/LINDA communication via IPC.

I don't think looking at changing the VRI USB output is practical for me or our users.


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7 minutes ago, Scotfleiger said:

There is something blocking both the VRI output and FSUIPC/LINDA communication via IPC.

I don't think looking at changing the VRI USB output is practical for me or our users.

So, what would you suggest? And is this new? What about on P3D4 (I did ask!)?



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It was not a problem that affected P3Dv4.5 with FSUIPC5. The only change was one you put in to stop the CMDRST command being sent to the VRI Combo (fsuipc5.ini parameter VRIDisableCMDRST) for some users with particular hardware issues.

Is it possible to force the VRI processes to close on shutdown?

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4 hours ago, Scotfleiger said:

The problem is affecting FSUIPC6 with both P3D v5 and v4.5. It was not apparent in FSUIPC5 with P3D v4.5.

That's most odd. I'm sure there's been no change in the area of COMs support.  I can only think it's a matter of a small timing change ... or, just possibly, a change in the Microsoft Libraries  we are using. (We updated to a later version of Visual Studio for the new version, matching the change in P3D).

We might look to see if it is confined to a COM thread which can be ruthlessly terminated after a tineout of some description. But it might be better to first see if there's some logging we can turn on or add to narrow it down to the particular system call which is not returning.

It's late here now, and Sunday isn't a good day for me work-wise, so I'll discuss it with John on Monday and see what we can do. Meanwhile please remain with the use of Task Manager.



  • Thanks 1
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Hi John

I ran both 6.0.3 and 603b. In both cases I was left with the hanging Prepar3D Scenario Startup task (size 640MB). This task had to be manually stopped to enable P3Dv5 to start with VRI Comb panel working. The FSUIPC5.log was locked by this task preventing the log being renamed. LINDA was used to allow the MCP to be tested.

Exiting P3Dv5 with 6.0.3b is causing P3Dv5 to crash on exit. There is no hanging task in this case.

I also ran P3Dv4.5 with 6.0.3 as a comparison. This left a hanging task Lockhead Martin Prepar3D (size 182MB). Also the MCP did not reset on FSUIPC6 shutdown (CMDRST instruction not sent).

I will later setup FSUIPC5 with P3Dv4.5 again to see if I can reproduce the problem.

I attach a series of logs renamed to indicate the different tests.

Thank you again for your attention to this issue.



FSUIPC6_603_1stRun.log FSUIPC6_603_2ndRun.log FSUIPC6_603b_1stRun.log FSUIPC6_603_P3Dv45.log

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29 minutes ago, Scotfleiger said:

Also the MCP did not reset on FSUIPC6 shutdown (CMDRST instruction not sent).

Do you have the VRIDisableCMDRST parameter set to Yes in the ini by any chance?

I am very surprised that the first dll didn't work (which is actually 6.0.3a but I forgot to update the character string, sorry) as this should be equivalent to FSUIPC5...

I'll discuss with Pete to add some logging to try and track down this issue...



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Hi John

As my VRI Combo panel did not have the previous COM connection issue (reported by some MCP owners), I had not included VRIDisableCMDRST in fsuipc6.ini.

However, your question was very apt. Using 6.0.3a with VRIDisableCMDRST=Yes, P3Dv5 correctly closed with no hanging tasks. No CMDRST instruction was sent on startup or close down. Setting VRIDisableCMDRST=No caused the task to hang!

Just to test this result, I changed the option back to Yes. On 3 occasions P3Dv5 crashed on exit. On the 4th attempt, the task hanged up again. On the 5th attempt, it worked correctly. On 2 further tests, P3Dv5 crashed and then hanged on the background task. I am not sure this helps.

NOTE: With 6.0.3 the offset with the FSUIPC6 version number (that LINDA reads) is now correctly populated.



FSUIPC6_603a_CMDRSTNo.log FSUIPC6_603a-CMDRSTYes.log FSUIPC6_603_CMDRSTYes_5th attempt.log FSUIPC6_603a_CMDRSTYes_hanging_.log

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Hi Andrew,

strange and confusing results...any ideas as to what is causing P3Dv5 to crash?

Could you try the following dll please (6.0.3d): FSUIPC6.dll

It has additional logging. Start with only the following in your ini:

Just before you close the session, go into the logging tab and set the extras value to 8197.

If you could then generate a log when iy hangs. Thanks,


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Hi John

Test ran with 6.0.3d. Closed correctly. In a number of follow on tests, P3Dv5 crashed on shutdown. This occurred before [programs] started LINDA was terminated.

I did a further test with LINDA running independently of FSUIPC6 and the result was successful (2nd). I see that FSUIPC6 did not fully close the log. One final test (3rd) in the same conditions terminated fully and the log is complete.


FSUIPC6_603d-1st.log FSUIPC6_603d-2nd.log FSUIPC6_603d-3rd.log

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