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Hey folks wanted to see if this was possible....

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Hello everyone. A while back Mr.Pete Dawson was kind enough to write a lua script for me that helped to keep the FlySimware MU-2 torque limited to less than 30

This was done, as the sound file will change to takeoff if torque is above 30, so you get an up/down sound.  It works fairly well, but every once in a while

the sound will still change as the throttles are moved, and the torque will creep above 30 a little.

  FYI I am by no means a programmer. I just fly planes for a living.

2 things I wanted to ask::  1 When on the ground, the condition levers are in taxi position, this is also correlated with the sound. Is there a way I could use that position, to keep the

torque limited, so that the sound doesn't change on taxi. IE if the conditions levers are in the taxi position, it will maintain that sound configuration.

2. When airborne, the condition levers are at takeoff position. Same situation, is there a way to correlate that control lever position to limit my 

torque to above 30, otherwise I get that sound file change going on.  IE maintain the sound until condition levers pulled back to taxi range again.Just trying to get a little more realism in operations and sound coordination if possible.

Apologies, for the lengthy post. I try and be complete, so everything is clear and understandable.

EDIT: I'm running latest version of FSUIPC 6 for P3Dv5 Hot Fix

Any help Appreciated.



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Hi David,

you may get more help if you include the lua file that you are using so that folks can take a look.

Im afraid that we're (i.e. me and Pete) far too busy at the moment to look into helping people with issues like this at the moment, sorry, but if you attach your lua someone else may be able to help.



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