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PHNL InterIsland Terminal


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I have not purchased PHNL yet but was about to when I noticed in some of the pictures on @FeelThere's website that the interisland terminal doesn't seem to appear to have any gate jetway bridges. Can anyone confirm why they appear to be taken out as recent PHNL Google images show jet bridges still intact at that terminal. Is this just a glitch that will be fixed? Or maybe an incorrect picture? I'll post the feelthere picture as well as Google images




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Well, Terminal 3 was "CLOSED" in June 2018 and scheduled for demolition to make way for the addition of New Terminal 1 Gates A1-A11. 

Terminal 1 has Jetways/Air-Bridges.......perhaps they mistook it for old terminal 3, which only has one gate remaining (H1)? The things that make you go hmmmmmmm

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