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Carenado Phenom 300 Throttle Detents?

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The Phenom 300 has throttle setting for the various throttle stages -- idle, max, t/o, con/clb, crz. 

I would like to calibrate my Saitek throttle (I'm just just using one axis to control both engines at this time) to act similar to the way that the flaps detente ranges work.  That is having a "quandrant" of the throttle range set to one of the throttle stages.  Watching YouTube videos of pilots flying the Phenom 300 I can see that they can move the throttles to a particular FADEC position.  Might this be possible with FSUIPC?

I've searched the forum and reviewed the User Guides pretty well (I think) and didn't find anything as of yet for this particular need.

Thanks a lot and regards.

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On 5/25/2020 at 2:50 PM, n116dh said:

I would like to calibrate my Saitek throttle (I'm just just using one axis to control both engines at this time) to act similar to the way that the flaps detente ranges work.  That is having a "quandrant" of the throttle range set to one of the throttle stages.  Watching YouTube videos of pilots flying the Phenom 300 I can see that they can move the throttles to a particular FADEC position.  Might this be possible with FSUIPC?

You can program axes to send different controls for different ranges of an axis movement. It's the right-hand side of the Assignments Tab. You'd need to determine what axis values are needed for each position, and assign each range to send it via perhaps one of the Axis_Throttle Set " controls with the value as parameter.

The use of that type of assignment is covered in the documentation.

Alternatively it would need a Lua plug-in.



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