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PMDG 744 program throttle quadrant with the help of two saitek throttle quadrants ISSUE

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*** Moved from FAQ sub-forum to main support forum ***


with the help of FSUIPC 6 I tried to program the throttle quadrant of the PMDG 744 with 

 two Saitek throttle quadrants.

The problem is that all throttles  do not move simultaneously.

I tried to calibrate them without success. 

For thottle1 and throttle 2 there are shown positive and negative values (17296/-17296).

Throttle 3 and throttle 4  only show 17296/0.

In my opinion this might be the reason of the movement deviation. 

I'm not able to adjust throttle 3 and throttle 4 according to throttle 1 and throttle 2.

Maybe there is somebody who can help me in this case.

with kind regards

Bernd Schwarz

Edited by John Dowson
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Hi Bernd,

First, you posted in the FAQ sub-forum, where it states 'NOT for support requests'. Please post support requests in the correct forum, which is usually the main support forum. 

How are you assigning the throttles? 

For PMDG Boeings, you should assign to FS controls and not calibrate in FSUIPC.  The PMDG aircraft intercept the FS controls, in the same way as FSUIPC does for calibration, and use them directly. If you use “Direct to ...” (or even FS controls and then calibrate in FSUIPC) then after calibration FSUIPC sends the controls on to the sim at a lower priority level (to avoid the infinite loop). This results in two, probably different, values arriving in the sim and maybe at slightly different times, causing issues.

Therefore please check your axes assignments and use 'Send to FS as normal axis' and do not calibrate in FSUIPC.

You may also want to check the calibration of the two throttles in the windows game controllers panel to make sure they are calibrated the same.



Later: also check that you don't have throttle axes assigned in the sim. Best to disable controllers completely in the sim if you are assigning everything in FSUIPC.

Edited by John Dowson
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