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MSFS, FSUPC and two yokes

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There is so much to like with FSUIPC but my favourite feature in previous versions is being able to set up several yokes that you have connected simultaneously. So  you can have a friend over and both have a yoke and can control the airplane. Has Asobo opened up for this possibility in MSFS through FSUIPC or in other way discussed it?

Best regards

Krister, Finland

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3 minutes ago, Krister said:

Has Asobo opened up for this possibility in MSFS through FSUIPC or in other way discussed it?

You can do it as you have been before -- i.e. via FSUIPC axis assignments. Do the assignments for both yokes "direct to FSUIPC calibration", and calibrate. The interface between FSUIPC and MSFS for axes is via control events, so MSFS doesn't need to be aware of the source of the inputs.

Just be sure not to have them assigned in MSFS as well.



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