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you cannot always save comments in fsuipc 7 profiles
0 = PC, 6, K117,8 - {Key press: F6} -     ; flaps
save then restart fsuipc 7
0 = PC, 6, K117,8 - {Key press: F6} -
the comment disappears it was like that in version 6 but it would be good to be able to add comments in a long file


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6 hours ago, target11 said:

you cannot always save comments in fsuipc 7 profiles
0 = PC, 6, K117,8 - {Key press: F6} -     ; flaps
save then restart fsuipc 7
0 = PC, 6, K117,8 - {Key press: F6} -
the comment disappears it was like that in version 6 but it would be good to be able to add comments in a long file

Just put your comment BEFORE the FSUIPC annotation. The latter is always added to the end and replaced at the end. 

eg: 0 = PC, 6, K117,8  ;flaps -{Key press: F6} -     ; flaps

Of course, if you used the  relevant flaps control instead (the one invoked by default with K117) then the automatic annotation would remove the need for your comment. And it would be more efficient as well of course. you are using a keypress which the Sim then looks up to determine the action to use.

Or do the flaps controls not work in MSFS? The INC and DEC ones seem to work for me, but maybe not in all aircraft?



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thank you for your answer, so it's like in fsuipc 6 too bad we can't put a comment at the end of the line it doubles the work too bad
however it is marked You can add comments following a semicolon (;) at the end of the line, and these will be retaine ou I misunderstood
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