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WX radar E175/195 v3


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On 1/29/2021 at 4:17 AM, theophile said:

Yes,thank you for the reply,I put in this topic because these people are saying that with these settings,my settings,they are getting weather returns.

But I cannot replicate this,unfortunately,and I have no idea why this is so.

The radar is very hit and miss. It needs heavy precipitation to produce any return. I also use P3D 4.5 and AS 7410 and often have no radar response when I would expect one. Other occasions it seems to work reasonably well.

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I'm on ASP3D (the one for both v4 and v5) version 7638 with P3Dv4.5, the radar works reasonable on Ejets.

the only problem is it won't scale above 100 range, it won't scale down to fit the ND, just stay as it's 100nm show on even 1000nm ND.

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