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Binding lights to FSLABS A320

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Good day, I’m brand new here and very new to posting to forums.  I have a Honeycomb Alpha flight yoke and have been trying everything to bind the light switches to the Fslabs A320 in Prepar3d v5 with absolutely no success.  I found what seemed to be a very helpful tutorial  in the Flightsimlabs forum describing how to bind it using logging to find the codes but that did not help either.  I’ve attempted a search in this forum for a similar issue but couldn’t find anything either.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!


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18 hours ago, Chilionastick said:

I have a Honeycomb Alpha flight yoke and have been trying everything to bind the light switches to the Fslabs A320 in Prepar3d v5 with absolutely no success.

If there are no controls added for them, and it ignores the normal P3D light controls for some reason, you could always try mouse macros. Please refer to the details about these in the documentation.



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20 hours ago, Chilionastick said:

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

As we don't have the FSLabs A320, you are probably better of asking on the FSLabs forums. For example, this post has some parameter codes that can be used with the Rotor Brake control to control various lights: https://forums.flightsimlabs.com/index.php?/topic/10548-some-early-parameters-for-those-of-us-using-hardware-controls/


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18 minutes ago, Chilionastick said:

 I will try asking in the FSLabs forum and do some more tinkering.

Try with the Rotoe Brake control first with the parameters mentioned in that post:



Beacon light on: 72477
Beacon light off: 72476

Nose light increment (i.e move up from Off>Taxi>TO): 72512
Nose light decrement: 72511

Runway turnoff On: 72492
Runway turnoff Off: 72491

Strobe increment (i.e. move up from Off>Auto>On): 72472
Strobe decrement: 72471

Wing light On: 72482
Wing light Off: 72481

Left Landing Light increment (i.e from Retract>Off>On): 72497
Left Landing Light decrement: 72496
Right Landing Light increment: 72507
Right Landing Light decrement: 72506

For beacon, rwy turnoff and wing lights, I was able to use 72476, 72491, 72482 and repeat press to make it act as a toggle, which suggests that sending either on or off commands repeatedly for those would do the job. I haven't tested anything else yet and am unlikely to take it much further with my Saitek yoke, but hopefully this will help some people get started.


There is also a spreedsheet (2nd comment in that link) with more control codes that may be useful.

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Ok, so retried with the codes you quoted above as they were for some reason pretty much completely different from what I found through logging and they are working now.  It’s a little tricky with the 3 position switches in the Airbus but I will figure something out.  

Thanks for your help!



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Maybe you'll find more help in the FSLabs Forums 😉

Have a look for the Copilot lua script in the Downloads section there. (You can disable all automatic functions and just use the lua interface)
Also for the LINDA Module for FSLabs to get a List of Mouse-Macros.

Both way much easier and more powerful (imho) than the rotaries!

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3 hours ago, Fragtality said:

Maybe you'll find more help in the FSLabs Forums 😉

Have a look for the Copilot lua script in the Downloads section there. (You can disable all automatic functions and just use the lua interface)
Also for the LINDA Module for FSLabs to get a List of Mouse-Macros.

Both way much easier and more powerful (imho) than the rotaries!


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