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Macros for accessing Lvars not working?


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Hi, I tried to assign some buttons of my self made homecockpit to certain non standard controls in the Carenado Mooney M20R and the Just Flight Arrow III. I can read out the names in the model behaviors lvars window in developer mode but the macros I created do not work. I can select the macro in the drop down menu for the button events but nothing happens when I operate the switch. The mcro file is named M20R_Fuel_pump.mcro and contains the lines




In P3D with older versions of FSUIPC these macros worked fine. Has something changed in the way macros are defined or did I do something wrong? 

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Lvar support is still in development for FSUIPC7. This is the list of limitations (from the Announcement above):

Missing Functionality 
The following functionality is not currently available in FSUIPC7. We may look at re-instating some of these
items at a later date, if and when such facilities are provided by the MSFS SDK:

1. Mouse Macros (and other mouse functionality, e.g “mouse look”, etc):  pending facilities to be provided
2. lVar access: pending facilities to be provided
3. AI Traffic management (Traffic Limiter and Zapper): pending facilities to be provided.
    Note that the offsets for AI traffic are populated.
4. Text display facilities: pending SimConnect functionality (some basic functionality may work)
5. Menu facilities: pending SimConnect functionality
6. Weather: apart from a few variables concerning ambient conditions at the aircraft, no other weather information
    is currently available for reading or updating

Of those good progress is currently being made on item 2, but there is no sign of any useful facilities being planned by MS/Asobo to help with the others. 




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4 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:

Lvar support is still in development for FSUIPC7.

I now have previous lvar support (i.e. accessible via macros and lua scripts and offsets) working in FSUIPC7, although I haven't released this yet.
I may release this as a beta in the next few days, so keep an eye out on the FSUIPC7 lvar/wasm announcements page if interested.

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2 hours ago, kaha said:

No mouse macros is a significant drawback, however.

I am not sure if mouse macros will  ever be possible with MSFS - still needs to be looked into at some point. However, MSFS has HTML variables (hvars), which will also be accessible at some point via FSUIPC7. They are currently available for testing with the WASM module + test client.

Note, however, that you (or someone!) will have to find.discover what hvars are available for a particular aircraft, and make them available to FSUIPC7 via a hvar file. Currently I have only determined the hvars that can be used for the A320,

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6 hours ago, John Dowson said:

I now have previous lvar support (i.e. accessible via macros and lua scripts and offsets) working in FSUIPC7, although I haven't released this yet.
I may release this as a beta in the next few days, so keep an eye out on the FSUIPC7 lvar/wasm  page if interested.

Fantastic, that's all I need to be honest. My cockpit setup is quite simple so I don't need any of the super sophisticated stuff, Lvar access via macro is all that I used before anyways. FSUIPC still remains the one essential Addon I bought for every single iteration of Flight simulator I owned over the years. 

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