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Tracon2012 star speeds

Ty Jackson

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Hey folks, I made a few personal sectors and they all run fine, but I wanted to know if there's away to program speed profiles on the STARs like they are in real world. It gets hard to constantly assign speeds when needing to do other things.

Any solutions or workarounds would be greatly appreciated!

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1 hour ago, Ty Jackson said:

Hey folks, I made a few personal sectors and they all run fine, but I wanted to know if there's away to program speed profiles on the STARs like they are in real world. It gets hard to constantly assign speeds when needing to do other things.

Any solutions or workarounds would be greatly appreciated!

Just looked at my sectors and the manual and I see no mention of speed restrictions for SIDs or STARs.

Maybe they'll address this in the next version. 😉 

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