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FCR in VR ?

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How can I use it in VR ?


  • VR support FlightControlReplay can be used also in all VR Environments via key mapping AND for Windows Mixed Reality Headset. You can also run FlightControlReplay directly into the cockpit and you can see FCR User Interface for full use!

I am understand when you refer to "...via key mapping..." I am suppose to assign some keys for Record/Play etc... in the options menu.. so keep program open on desktop then in VR i press joystick button or key on  keyboard and that is suppose to start recording?


  • VR support FlightControlReplay can be used also in all VR Environments via key mapping AND for Windows Mixed Reality Headset. You can also run FlightControlReplay directly into the cockpit and you can see FCR User Interface for full use!

Secondly how do I bring this FCR window into VR? I am using ReverbG2 with WMR but I have no clue how to bring it inside the cockpit, I know how to bring entire desktop inside the cockpit but to my understanding it seems like I should be able to open just the FCR and have it there in my VR cockpit as a stand alone window... how do I do that ?




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