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Doubt with an offset - FSX with Project Magenta

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  • John Dowson changed the title to Doubt with an offset - FSX with Project Magenta
15 hours ago, Eduardo Frontera said:

I use MSFS (FX) SP2, with Project Magenta, and I cannot identify the offset to detect fire in the motors. (FSUIPC 3366 is activated but PM cannot detect it). Is there any other offset? .Could you help me?

Are you saying that offset 0x3366 is correctly showing the engines on fire, but PM cannot detect it? If so, then, as FSUIPC is working as expected, and you need PM support.
Or is the offset not correctly showing which engines are currently on fire?
If you are not sure, try logging the value in that offset (as a UB in hex) to see if they change as expected.


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27 minutes ago, Eduardo Frontera said:

Certainly, offset 0x3366 is correctly showing the engines on fire, but PM, cannot detect it.

Then this is a PM issue - did you ask them about this?

28 minutes ago, Eduardo Frontera said:

Finally I programmed (SIOC), and in function of values detected with 0x3366, I send them to PM to the offset 0x5648, and it is working ok.

Ok - as 0x5648 is a PM offset, I guess that is what PM is using for this. Strange though.

Thanks for the update.



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