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Cannot determine which version of P3D to uninstall FSUIPC

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Hello Pete and son, good evening, i have both P3D4 and P3D5 side by side installed. Fsuipc in P3D4 was installed in the root "modules" folder and in P3D5 its installed as an addon.xml in my documents/P3D5 addons. When i installed the new version i wanted to change the installation in P3D4 also as addon.xml in my documents/P3D4 addons but now i have problems. It only installed in P3D5 and not in P3D4 (no DLL's etc). I saw there was still an uninstaller in P3D4 modules folder but when i click that uninstaller it says "cannot determine which version of P3D to uninstall FSUIPC. so i uninstalled everything and reinstall but the uninstaller in "modules folder P3D4" stays there and thus i cannot install in P3D4 documents folder. When i run the installer (tried with v4 and v5 together and seperate) it says finished but nothing there in P3D4 documents folder. When i uninstall fsuipc via my programs and features the uninstaller is still visible in P3D4 root modules folder thus i think its a registry issue. How can i solve this? Thank u very much in advance. 

InstallFSUIPC6.log UninstallFSUIPC6.log

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13 hours ago, Aviator1979 said:

Fsuipc in P3D4 was installed in the root "modules" folder and in P3D5 its installed as an addon.xml in my documents/P3D5 addons. When i installed the new version i wanted to change the installation in P3D4 also as addon.xml in my documents/P3D4 addons but now i have problems.

The 'add-on.xml' is an installation method, where P3D loads FSUIPC due to the presence of an add-on.xml file in a specific location, under your Documents/Prepar3D v5 Add-ons folder (or v5). I recommend not to use this location as the actually FSUIPC installation folder as this can cause issues (especially if using OneDrive).
It is far better to choose an installation folder, whether using the xml add-on method or the dll method, outside of a Windows protected folder (such as Documents or Program Files).

13 hours ago, Aviator1979 said:

When i installed the new version i wanted to change the installation in P3D4 also as addon.xml in my documents/P3D4 addons but now i have problems. It only installed in P3D5 and not in P3D4 (no DLL's etc). I saw there was still an uninstaller in P3D4 modules folder

This sounds that you changed to use the add-on.xml installation method, but you did not necessarily change the installation location, which always defaults to the previous installation location, so would have re-installed into your Modules folder. You MUST have seen this during the installation process and accepted this installation location without changing it. The uninstaller is there as that is where you installed it.

If you select to install one copy of FSUIPC for both P3Dv4 and P3Dv5, then only one copy will be installed but an add-on.xml will be created for both v4 and v5.  Your install log showsv4 and v5 uninstalled ok, and FSUIPC installed for both v4 and v5 under C:\Users\djzuu\OneDrive\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6 (which is a BAD folder to choose).

Note that you CAN get into a bit of a mess if you select to install for both v4 and v5 and then later amend/update just one of the solutions.

13 hours ago, Aviator1979 said:

it says finished but nothing there in P3D4 documents folder.

There will not be anything there - it will be in the location you chose as the installation folder, which is:
      C:\Users\djzuu\OneDrive\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6

So you really do not have any issues as far as I can see.

You should really re-install into a different folder though. Also decide if you want to use one installation folder or two - if the latter, you must manually run the uninstaller before running the installer again (twice, once for v4 and once for v5). If you want to keep just one installation just run the installer again and select a different folder for installation this time.

I suggest that you read the provided Installation and Registration guide.


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