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Doors on the ERJ SP3 P3D V5


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Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing alright.

Doors are a pain in the butt with the ERJ on V5 - I can't open or close them and using the traditional keys of CTRL + E + number only opens and closes the main door and not the cargo doors.


I tried using this tool: https://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=doorcontrol.zip&CatID=root&Go=Search

however, it's likely unsupported on P3D as I can't launch the panel nor view it.


Yes elec pump 3 is on.


So with that being said are there any OTHER solutions for the time being? Till the Dev adds a door control with next release.

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On 11/25/2021 at 6:25 PM, ibraheemfauzi said:

I tried using this tool: https://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=doorcontrol.zip&CatID=root&Go=Search

however, it's likely unsupported on P3D as I can't launch the panel nor view it.

Hey! Sorry I'm a little late, but I've always had issues with door opening (annoying with GSX) and just started using this gauge after not being able to figure it out for years. Not sure about P3D V5, but it works in P3D V4! The option is a bit hidden and hard to find, but it's in the top menu bar in P3D at Vehicle > Instrument Panel > DOORS or something, I don't have the sim with me at the moment.

When you first open the tool, it is very small in the bottom right of the screen, but you can resize it just like any other program window!

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