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I am investigating the use of 2d panels in a/c that presently include vc only as advertised. I have used 2d panels exclusively. I have been using FS since V 1.0.  Recently purchased some aircraft that only have vc. I also purchased IR 5. Can not get that to work properly. This all prompted me to do the previously mentioned investigation. Can anyone provide info to look into possibly changing back to 2d. Thanx in advance for any help or suggestions.


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@Pstlpete, The 2d panels have to be coded in the airplane. Most airplanes these days no longer have that. One thing they do have is the ability to display several gauges in 2d, like the MCDU and screens. You could make those pop up with SHIFT+number combinations. One way to almost make a 2d panel would be to set your main view forward and pop up as many gauges as you need. See page 5 in the E-jets manual in section Sub-Panel Windows

By your handle, do you live near STL?  If so, me too. 



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On 1/12/2022 at 7:28 PM, sax702 said:

@Pstlpete, The 2d panels have to be coded in the airplane. Most airplanes these days no longer have that. One thing they do have is the ability to display several gauges in 2d, like the MCDU and screens. You could make those pop up with SHIFT+number combinations. One way to almost make a 2d panel would be to set your main view forward and pop up as many gauges as you need. See page 5 in the E-jets manual in section Sub-Panel Windows

By your handle, do you live near STL?  If so, me too. 



David, Thanx for the reply. Not near STL. I am near KBUF & KIAD, but thats the great thing is the ability to meet people with the same interests everywhere.



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