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Text Display Time-out not working


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Offset 0x3400 allows a text message to be displayed in the MSFS window. Offset 0x32FA is normally used to define how long the message is displayed in secs. This does not appear to working correctly with MSFS with the message remaining on screen (it works with FSUIPC6).

This is the function LINDA calls, the default timeout is 2 secs.

function ShowMessage (text, cnt)
    if cnt == nil then cnt = 2 end
    if text == nil then text = 'Test message!' end
    ipc.writeSTR(0x3380, text .. string.char(0))
    ipc.writeUW(0x32FA, cnt)

Also in MSFS 0x3400 calls marks these as TIPS!. Is there a different type of message box available like P3D's discrete top line? The Offset Status document note on Options-Settings-General-Text Display does not seem to apply to the latest MSFS There is a question against this statement in the text.

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The SimConnect_Text function is broken in MSFS and has been since release. This is documented in the README.txt under Missing Functionality:


3. Text display facilities: pending SimConnect functionality (some basic functionality may work)

The only alternative at the moment is to use the lua Wnd library.

I will update the offset status document to make it clear that these offsets no longer function correctly in MSFS.

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