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Boeing Thrusmaster throttle Quadrant

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Hello am looking for help if possible. I got a TCA boeing thrustmaster. i have set everything from throttle to flaps and all work. but am having issues to set the rotary nob to my panel  for speed control / altitude control and heading bug. anyone that can advise a solution would be appreciate. Am using FSUIPC 5.

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16 hours ago, diancosmar777 said:

Hello am looking for help if possible. I got a TCA boeing thrustmaster. i have set everything from throttle to flaps and all work. but am having issues to set the rotary nob to my panel  for speed control / altitude control and heading bug. anyone that can advise a solution would be appreciate. Am using FSUIPC 5.

Please see the following post: 


That is for FSUIPC6 and using PMDG aircraft, but the technique is the same. The controls you assign to will be different however, and that depends upon which aircraft you are using. You can try the default controls - and always a good idea to set this up using default controls in your default profile, and use profile-specific controls for aircraft which use different controls. It is up to you to determine which controls to use for the aircraft that you have loaded.


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Hello John

Thanks for the response. am using the PMDG 777 only. To be honest I thought it was straight forward. But that is the only thing left for me to do. Are you saying that i need to use the default P3D control option as well?

where can i find the advance user manual as i had my FSUIPC 5 for a while. Unless if there is an option for me to upgrade to FSUIPC 6 without paying to much money.


any advise would be appreciated 

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1 hour ago, diancosmar777 said:

Are you saying that i need to use the default P3D control option as well?

No...why do you think that? For PMDG aircraft, you have to use their SDK - custom controls and PMDG offsets. See the included document on PMDG offsets Offset Mapping for PMDG 777X.pdf, and check out this FAQ post on how to use PMDG custom controls: 


1 hour ago, diancosmar777 said:

where can i find the advance user manual as i had my FSUIPC 5 for a while

It will be in your FSUIPC5 Documents folder, which should be under your Modules folder.

1 hour ago, diancosmar777 said:

Unless if there is an option for me to upgrade to FSUIPC 6 without paying to much money.

The upgrade price from FSUIPC5 to FSUIPC6 is 9.99euros  (+ tax). You should get that price automatically on checkout if you have purchased a license for FSUIPC6. But maybe you don't need this, up to you...


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