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Defining SimVars in LUA


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Hi John

The MyOffsets.txt means of the user defining SimVars is a great step forward. It has the disadvantage of requiring developers to define and distribute a copy of this file which may overwrite user's own files and would require a different file for each aircraft. Would it be possible to define such offsets using LUA? For example, ipc.defineOffset(0x66c0,1,CIRCUIT SWITCH ON:18,I32,Bool).

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Hi Andrew,

13 hours ago, Scotfleiger said:

Would it be possible to define such offsets using LUA? For example, ipc.defineOffset(0x66c0,1,CIRCUIT SWITCH ON:18,I32,Bool).

No, I'm afraid not. Allowing additional simvars to be added once the simconnect connection has been opened and simvars already requested poses many issues that I am not willing to look into at the moment. It will have to be up to the user and the software developers to handle this correctly.

I could allocate a specific offset area (i.e. not in the 'free for general use' offsets) for use by LINDA to prevent the same offsets being used by other utilities, if that helps. If you let me know the size required, I can take a look and see if I can find an area to allocate for this.



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