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Parking Brakes

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I have a button connected via an LeoBodnar board and programmed FSUIPC.
Problem is that it shows ok in 5-19 sec then release the parking brake. <i have tried both the event ID's 70325 and 65752. Both do the same.
They are programmed only in when button pressed and with 536870912 as it is a momentary switch.
I have gone through the .ini page but there is no duplicate to either Event or input (P3,0,C70325,536870912

I also have problems with right eng hydraulic is flipping on of at intervalls and unable to find the falt.

I include my .ini file

Best Henning Ringsvold



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First, the latest version of FSUIPC6 is 6.1.8 - you are using 6.1.7, so please update - only the latest version is supported.

Second, but nothing to do with your issue, you have multiple ini sections for [Sounds], [WideServer], [GPSout], [GPSout2], [AutoSave], [Buttons] and [Axes]. Please remove the duplicated sections, leaving just one of each.

Please also turn on AutoAssignLetters in your [JoyNames] section, i.e.
This will prevent possible issues caused if your joystick ids change, and make it easier to recover settings if the devices GUIDs change. 

And is there any reason why you have turned ini file annotations off? I know you have added your own comments, but you can still do thus with annotations turned on. The ini file is a lot easier for me to understand with the FSUIPC annotations.

As for your actual issue, I'm sorry but I don't really understand what you are saying...

19 minutes ago, hrings said:

Problem is that it shows ok in 5-19 sec then release the parking brake.

What does this mean? What "shows"?

20 minutes ago, hrings said:

i have tried both the event ID's 70325 and 65752. Both do the same.

Why are you giving me event ids? The control/event names are far easier to understand:
    65752 = PARKING_BRAKES
    70325 = ? what us this - a custom control?
The only assignment I see to any of this controls is:
     523=P3,0,C65752,536870912 ;    -PARK BRAKE LEVER-
You don't need a parameter P3D for the Parking Brakes control - it is a toggle control so no parameter needed.

You also don't say which aircraft you are using. If its the PMDG 737, check you are using the correct custom control and the correct parameter. Please see this guide: 


Also, as PMDG has its own custom controls which are not valid for any other aircraft, that aircraft should really have its own profile (i.e. take out the (Freja Viking) Winglets 737 to a separate profile). Also, you should use substrings for profile matching to catch all variants, so change your [Profile.B737] section to the following:


1=Boeing 737
2=PMDG 737

(N.B. that still includes the none-PMDG Boeing which should really have its own profile).

If you are still having issues, can you please show me the updated ini, together with a log file generated showing your issue (i.e. with logging activated for Buttons & Keys as well as Events), together with a description of what you did and see.


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Sorry I forgot to tell it is the PMDG 737 NGx and NGXu I am using and only that. The Eventid  70325 is the PMDG Event Id for Parking brakes.
 so what can I delete and what to rename?
I see some double files that can be deleted


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You still have two sections for [LuaFiles] & [WideServer] - please remove one of each so that each section name appears only once.

1 hour ago, hrings said:

I forgot to tell it is the PMDG 737 NGx and NGXu I am using and only that. The Eventid  70325 is the PMDG Event Id for Parking brakes.

Ok, but I do not see an assignment to that control - you still seem to be using 65752 (PARKING_BRAKES). Change to use the PMDG custom control, and make sure that you are using the correct parameter for the custom control.

And as I said, please also attach your FSUIPC6.log file with appropriate logging enabled. Also try activating the Parking Brakes from the UI to see what is logged when you do that (if you keep the logging console open you should see what is logged when you set/release the parking brakes).


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On 3/31/2022 at 8:40 PM, hrings said:

The correct is 70325 is from the PMDG 737NGx Custom Event ID's under control stand "Parking Brake Lever SDK

Then why don't you assign to this custom control? I cannot see any assignment to this control in your ini.

On 3/31/2022 at 8:40 PM, hrings said:

SDK value 693 and as this operate an momentay switch I assume that 536870912 is the correct

I don't know, that is up to you to work out - I do not have any PMDG aircraft. If you follow the instructions in the guide in the FAQ section to derive the correct control number and parameter, you should be ok. But you should try operating the parking brake in the UI with appropriate logging activate, which should then (hopefully) show you the control and parameter to use.

The log you attached is a continuation log. Please always attach full log files, never continuation log files. If it is too large to attach, just zip it. Keep the log as short as possible by only testing what you need to test and nothing else - in this case, you only need to set and release the parking brake, nothing else.
Also, it seems that you do not have event logging activated (although its difficult to tell as its a continuation log...) which is needed.

On 3/31/2022 at 8:44 PM, hrings said:

And whats  UI

The aircraft cockpit UI. The general method of determining what control to use to assign to something (key/button/switch/axis) for a function is to activate appropriate logging and then use that function in the cockpit/UI (i.e. using the mouse) and see what is logged.

On 3/31/2022 at 8:44 PM, hrings said:

And with logging consol open do you then mean On the FSUIPC or the .log file

You keep the logging console window open by selecting 'Send to console window' in FSUIPC's logging tab. This then shows you the .log file contents and updates in real time. 


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Thanks for that tip. that solved a lot of problems  <but
I still have some : There is a clock that comes regulary with Event ID 65660 and 65661.

Where do I find the old original event ID's that are around 65000. I can only find the one that comes with PMDG 737

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1 hour ago, hrings said:

Where do I find the old original event ID's that are around 65000. I can only find the one that comes with PMDG 737

If you look in your FSUIPC6 documents folder, you will find an auto-generated file called Controls List for P3Dv5 Build 28160.txt (or similar, depending on the version of P3D being used) which contains a list of ids and control names both in id and numeric order. Those ones are:


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