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registration key not valid


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On your download page it says " if you have purchased WideFS to work with FSUIPC4, FSUIPC5 or FSUIPC6, there is no need to re-purchase. Your existing registration details will still be applicable", I have FSUIPC6 and 5 but neither of them says they are valid. Am I missing something here?

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28 minutes ago, Flybe said:

On your download page it says " if you have purchased WideFS to work with FSUIPC4, FSUIPC5 or FSUIPC6, there is no need to re-purchase. Your existing registration details will still be applicable",

Yes. If you have a WideFS7 license purchased for use with FSUIPC4, FSUIPC5 or FSUIPC6, then that WideFS7 license can also be used with FSUIPC7.

28 minutes ago, Flybe said:

I have FSUIPC6 and 5 but neither of them says they are valid. Am I missing something here?

A license for FSUIPC5 or FSUIPC6 is not valid for FSUIPC7 - you need an FSUIPC7 license for FSUIPC7.
Or are you saying that your WideFS7 license is not valid for FSUIPC7? It will be, but if the name and/or address fields for your WideFS7 license are different from those used for your GSUIPC7 license, then you need to tick the appropriate box and also enter those.

FSUIPC and WideFS are distinct products and each requires its own license.


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