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Lua script for light management


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I want to manage the lights increasing and decreasing with a lua script that  reads the current parameter status (let's say 40 in the example attached) and then when i press the increase button it decreases by steps of 5

Any idea?

As you can clearly imagine I'm not a lua script expert!


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The first thing you need to determine is what to read to hold the current panel lights setting/value. I don't think there is a standard simvar (or FSUIPC offset) for this - just a flag to indicate if on or off. Try listing lvars to see if there is an lvar that holds this value - if there is, and it is writeable/settable, then you can add that lvar to an fsuipc offset and simply use the offset increment/decrement controls - no need for lua.
What aircraft are you using? I could take a look, but it may take me a day or two - just back from holiday so it will take me a few days to get through the backlog of support requests. If you can let me know which aircraft you are using I can take a look and advice further.


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