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Write LVARs not working anymore - SU10 beta issue?

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It seems that with SU10 Beta, I can't get the LVARs set anymore. Using the MSFSVariableServices v1.3. Tried reload, stop, start, etc, but still not working anymore. Reading works fine btw.

The LVAR is in the list for Writing to an LVar but it seems the write event does not arrive?!

Interested to know if others experience the same issue.


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Same here.

I read somewhere that they use a "Wasm Legacy Approach" via Offset 0x0D70 which seems to work with the Beta.

I guess you would need to read/write to this directly i.ex. FSUIPCConnection.Process(); ... so far, I have not seen a working example ... 

Any hints welcome 🙂

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The helper function called FSUIPCConnection.WriteLVAR() uses offset 0x0D70 in the background. It's much easier than trying to use that offset directly with FSUIPCConnection.Process().

However, in FSUIPC7 this just uses the WASM module when it gets to FSUIPC. So I don't think this will work if it doesn't work with the MSFSVariableServices. It's worth trying though.


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Thanks for that hint, Paul! 

And good news: With FSUIPCConnection.WriteLVAR() I can finally write again the LVARS with Beta 10 SU (in my case Fenix A320 LVARS) ... cool!


For the time after Beta: It would ofc be nice if this would work again with MSFSVariableServices ... 🙂



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            catch (FSUIPCException ex)
                // Error occured so alert the user
                MessageBox.Show("Connection Failed. " + ex.Message);
            if (FSUIPCConnection.IsOpen)
                // connection opened okay

                FSUIPCConnection.WriteLVar("S_OH_EXT_LT_BEACON", 1);

That is C# and would turn on the Fenix A320' Beacon Light. 

Of course it's requiring a reference to Paul Henty's DLL ("using FSUIPC;") 



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