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Fsuipc problems with Cpflight


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i have problems with the cpflight fcu and fsuipc. LOC and Appr do not work. Also fsuipc gives a bug that makes V/S go up slowly to +6000 and also lag in SPD button. Skips (example 120 and figured 190 when you turn). How can I solve this. have latest version of fsuipc and wasm. Also fcu has the latest firmware update.

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I am not sure I understand your issues, and there is no such bug in FSUIPC...

Can you please activate logging for Buttons & Keys as well as Events, and generate a log file showing your issue, then attach both your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files and I will take a look. Male sure you exit FSUIPC7 before attaching the files.


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