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Initial lever position read


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Hi John

I am on final with my homecockpit conversion to MSFS. Actually one problem remains. I would like to synchronise my SW PMDG B737-800 at program start with the HW of my cockpit. Nearly everything is fine, switches are synchronised, but not the axes. So the flaps lever in the sim is only updated at the first move. With FSInterrogate I can see, that axes values are 0 after starting FSUIPC, independent from the real HW position.

Is there a way to get the real values, so that the sim can follow these without the need for moving them? Thanks for any infos and best regards


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4 hours ago, Alpin-Flier said:

s there a way to get the real values, so that the sim can follow these without the need for moving them? Thanks for any infos and best regards

No, I am afraid not. FSUIPC only receives axes positions (as well as buttons/switches) on change.

The standard way to get around this is to always start with your levers in the zero position.


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