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Joystick Calibration Section Question


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Will an axis setting, such as rudder axis slope, etc., that is specified in the non-aircraft specific JoystickCalibration section of the FSUIPC7.ini file apply to an aircraft that has an aircraft specific (Profile) JoystickCalibration section if that particular slope (for the rudder axis in this example) is NOT also specified in the aircraft specific profile JoystickCalibration section? 



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1 hour ago, ark1320 said:

Will an axis setting, such as rudder axis slope, etc., that is specified in the non-aircraft specific JoystickCalibration section of the FSUIPC7.ini file apply to an aircraft that has an aircraft specific (Profile) JoystickCalibration section if that particular slope (for the rudder axis in this example) is NOT also specified in the aircraft specific profile JoystickCalibration section? 

No - only the profile-specific JoystickCalibration section will be used if present. If the aircraft uses a profile but there is no profile-specific JoystickCalibration section, then the general JoystickCalibration will be used.

Note also that to log slope adjustments, you can set logging for Extras.

Also, be aware that the toe brake axes are also not linear:

Sets the left brake position from an axis controller (e.g. joystick) to the value given as the parameter [0], from -16383 (0 braking) to +16383 (maximum braking). Note that this is on a non-linear scale:

  1. -16383 = 0%
  2. -8191 = 8%
  3. 0 = 27%
  4. +8191 = 53%
  5. +16383 = 100%


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