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Fenix A320 - Autopilot KNOBs PUSH/PULL do not work!


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Does it have the desired affect, i.e. switch between managed and selected mode? It could be that just the visuals are not working, Looking at the altitude push, it just decrements the value of the lvar L:S_FCU_ALTITUDE:

You could  also try listing  the lvar values to confirm that the code is being sent and is working,

As I don't have the Fenix I cannot really help much further if FSUIPC is sending the code for the preset as it is defined. You can try the MobiFlight discord server, who drive the community effort for this - use the MSFS2020 channel.

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2 hours ago, John Dowson said:

Does it have the desired affect, i.e. switch between managed and selected mode? It could be that just the visuals are not working,

Yes! Just the visuals are not working!
The operating modes are switched

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43 minutes ago, SMN204 said:

Yes! Just the visuals are not working!
The operating modes are switched

Ok, that's good then. If you want to get the visual working, you would have to look at the code that is associated to the pull/push button operation (using the MSFS developer mode behaviors window) and see what is used to control the animation, Detailed instructions can be found here: https://www.badcasserole.com/uncovering-input-events-using-the-msfs2020-model-behavior-dialog/. However, if this was easy to do (e.g. was using a h:var) then this would already be in the preset. I suspect it will be using a B-type variable, which are (currently) only controllable using a hack - for an example if this (controlling a b-var using a user-defined lvar), see


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