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FSUIPC. DLL for .NET with SIOC Direct and WideClient

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I have the following setup on the client PC: I use my 2 Opencockpits CDU's via SIOC Direct in ProSim737. 
I start SIOC and the CDU software from Prosim737 with the Wideclient software. This worked perfectly. When I now start my program, which I programmed in Visual Studio 2022, it connects 
to WideClient. The connection is OK. Now my problem. Now when I want to operate the CDU, the button presses no longer work. If I close my program it works again. 

My question: Is there a command that I have to insert or should I change the config (FSUIPC as client?) without Widelient?

thank you for your message

kind regards


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Hi Ramon

I not sure what the problem could be. There should be no problem having multiple software programs using the same Wideclient connection.

I don't know how your CDU and the software works. Does the software need to have focus to work? If the CDU hardware is just seen as a keyboard then it probably needs to be the focused application. Having your own software in focus would stop it working. 

If that's not the problem, you'll need to think about what your software is doing that could be interfering with the CDU software, or the communication with the CDU hardware. E.g. if the CDUs are on a COM port, is your software also using COM ports? The same one? 

I may have some more ideas if you can let me know more about what your software does and how the CDUs are connected and communicate with Prosim.


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Hello Paul

Thanks for your answer. I use my 2 Opencockpits CDU's via SIOC Direct in ProSim737. They are connected with USB 2.0. Unfortunately, I don't know whether 
the CDU hardware is only considered a keyboard. The CDU buttons don't work when the CDU has the focus. My software runs with a timer and, among 
other things, queries the position of the flaps for the speed of the trim wheels. I set the timer interval to 50. fsuipc.dll doesn't need the focus to work, I get 
the offset values even if the CDU has the focus. should I switch to the FSUIPC client version? 

Thank you for your efforts

kind regards


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Hi Ramon,

It doesn't look like focus is the problem then. 

I afraid I can't suggest anything else. I can't see any reason that your program reading some data would stop your CDU working.


should I switch to the FSUIPC client version? 

I'm not sure what you mean by this. If you're running your software on a different machine that the flight sim then you have to use WideClient. If you want it to talk directly to FSUIPC you need to run it on the flight sim machine. You don't need to make any change your software to do this. It will automatically detect either FSUIPC or WideClient.


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Hello Paul

together with prosim737, SIOC Direct and WideClient is probably one connection too many. The keyboard of the CDU which is connected to SIOC Direct and ProSim737 freezes. 
How can I establish a FSUIPC connection without WideClient? 

thanks for the notice

kind regards


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These module are only for reading and writing LVars and HVars with the MSFS flight sim. They are not for any other sim (e.g. P3D) and cannot be used for reading/writing offsets.

If you're using MSFS and the aircraft you are using provides LVars for the data you need (e.g. flaps position) you could rewrite your app to use LVARs. You will need to use the MSFSVariableServices class in my DLL.

There is more info and an example project here:


The example project will let you read LVars so you can check that you can get all the data you need before you start coding.

(Note that the WASM module is installed with FSUIPC7. The FSUIPC_WAPID.dll needs to be downloaded and placed in your project. It should be set to be copied to the output folder when the project builds.


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