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  1. It seems the problems have disappeared after I re-configured the commands. Not sure what the problem was there. The auto pilot does disengage on the PMDG NGX but not the 777. Not sure if that is how it is on the real aircraft. Thanks for your help Pete
  2. Maybe the autopilot is suppose to disengage when I operate the trim in PMDG. Sorry if I made the wrong analysis here. Anyways back to reprogramming all the assignment to see if the gear, spoilers and autopilot operate on their own. If it does, i will post another log file.
  3. Cant figure this out. Hope you can [General] UpdatedByVersion=4950 History=AXML13Q3AYSN7G1RPPI38 InitDelayDevicesToo=No NewInterceptTextMenu=No UseSystemTime=No UseMidMouseBtn=Yes MouseWheelMove=No MouseWheelTrim=No MouseWheelTrimSpeed=1 JoystickTimeout=20 PollGFTQ6=Yes BlankDisplays=No FixControlAccel=No FixMachSpeedBug=No NewDeleteVehiclesForAES=No AutoScanDevices=Yes AssignJoystickIDs=Yes VisibilityOptions=No OneCloudLayer=No CloudTurbulence=No CloudIcing=No GenerateCirrus=No SuppressCloudTurbulence=No MaxIce=-4 MinIce=-4 UpperWindGusts=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No SuppressWindVariance=No WindTurbulence=No TurbulenceRate=1.0,5.0 TurbulenceDivisor=20,20,40,40 SuppressAllGusts=No MaxSurfaceWind=0 WindLimitLevel=200 WindDiscardLevel=400 WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 SmoothBySimTime=No WindSmoothing=No WindSmoothness=2 WindSmoothAirborneOnly=Yes PressureSmoothness=0 TemperatureSmoothness=0 DisconnTrimForAP=No ZeroElevForAPAlt=No ThrottleSyncAll=No WhiteMessages=No ShowPMcontrols=No SpoilerIncrement=512 MagicBattery=No RudderSpikeRemoval=No ElevatorSpikeRemoval=No AileronSpikeRemoval=No ReversedElevatorTrim=No ClockSync=No ClockSyncMins=5 ClearWeatherDynamics=No OwnWeatherChanges=No TimeForSelect=4 LoadFlightMenu=No LoadPlanMenu=No PauseAfterCrash=No BrakeReleaseThreshold=75 SaveDataWithFlights=No ZapSound=firework ShortAircraftNameOk=Substring UseProfiles=Yes EnableMouseLook=No DelayedMouseLookZoom=No AxesWrongRange=No TCASid=Flight TCASrange=40 AxisCalibration=No DirectAxesToCalibs=No ShowMultilineWindow=Yes SuppressSingleline=No SuppressMultilineFS=No AxisIntercepts=No DontResetAxes=No InitDelay=0 GetNearestAirports=No OOMcheck=Yes OOMcheckInterval=10 WeatherReadFactor=2 WeatherRewriteSeconds=1 CustomWeatherModify=No SimConnectStallTime=1 InitialStallTime=10 NormalStallTime=1 LuaRerunDelay=66 LogEvents=Yes LogButtonsKeys=Yes Console=No FSVersionUsed="Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v3", SimConnectUsed= [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke 0.GUID={6C235A90-ED24-11E5-8002-444553540000} 1=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 1.GUID={6C1CA3D0-ED24-11E5-8001-444553540000} [Axes] PollInterval=10 RangeRepeatRate=10 [buttons] PollInterval=25 ButtonRepeat=20,10 [AutoSave] Next=1 Interval=60 Files=10 SaveOnGround=No AutoSaveEnabled=No [GPSout] GPSoutEnabled=No [GPSout2] GPSoutEnabled=No [WideServer] WideFSenabled=Yes [sounds] Path=C:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Sound\ Device1=Primary Sound Driver Device2=Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) Device3=Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio) Device4=Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio) [Profile.PMDG 737] 1=Boeing 737-7Z9NGX Austrian Airlines Winglets [buttons.PMDG 737] 1=P0,14,K71,11 2=P0,4,K84,11 6=R0,2,C65607,0 7=R0,3,C65615,0 8=P0,1,K65,11 [JoystickCalibration] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 [Profile.PMDG 777] 1=PMDG 777-306ER KLM Royal Dutch Airlines [buttons.PMDG 777] 0=P0,1,K90,11 ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.95 by Pete Dowson ********* Prepar3D.exe version = Reading options from "C:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini" Running inside Prepar3D v3 on Windows 8.0 Module base=59530000 User Name="" User Addr="" FSUIPC4 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired 1781 System time = 10/05/2016 18:55:32 1781 FLT path = "C:\Users\P3D\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files\" 1781 ------ Module Version Check ------ 1781 acontain.dll: 1781 api.dll: 1781 controls.dll: 1781 fs-traffic.dll: 1781 G3D.dll: 1781 language.dll: 1781 sim1.dll: 1781 visualfx.dll: 1781 weather.dll: 1781 window.dll: 1781 ---------------------------------- 1781 Trying C:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Modules\SimConnectP3D3.dll 1781 Found it: trying to connect 1797 FS path = "C:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\" 2094 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan ----------------------- 2094 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 2094 Manufacturer= Saitek 2094 Vendor=06A3, Product=0763 (Version 1.0) 2094 Serial Number= Saitek 2094 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Yoke 2094 Manufacturer= Saitek 2094 Vendor=06A3, Product=0BAC (Version 2.1) 2094 Serial Number= Saitek 2094 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2109 LogOptions=60000000 00000001 2109 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2109 ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------ 2109 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok 2109 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained 2109 --- FS Controls Table located ok 2109 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok. 2109 --- Wind smoothing fix is installed 2109 --- All links okay (except older global weather setting method) 2109 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2109 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 2109 Trying to use SimConnect Prepar3D 9109 Running in "Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v3", Version: (SimConnect: 9109 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 9109 FSUIPC Menu entry added 9141 C:\Users\P3D\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Prepar3D_Default.fxml 9141 C:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\SimObjects\Airplanes\IRIS Raptor Driver\Raptor.air 9797 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 13375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 17375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 21375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 25375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 28406 Weather Mode now = Theme 29344 C:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-700NGX WL\B737-700WL.air 29344 C:\Users\P3D\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files\IFR Southampton Intl to Kastrup.pln 29344 C:\Users\P3D\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files\EGHIEKCH.fxml 29359 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66508 (0x000103cc), Param= 1000 (0x000003e8) PANEL_ID_CLOSE 29375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 33375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 37375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 41375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 45047 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66507 (0x000103cb), Param= 1000 (0x000003e8) PANEL_ID_OPEN 45047 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66507 (0x000103cb), Param= 1000 (0x000003e8) PANEL_ID_OPEN 45391 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 46562 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66851 (0x00010523), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VIEW_CAMERA_SELECT_1 46562 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65701 (0x000100a5), Param= 58 (0x0000003a) VIEW_ZOOM_SET 46687 System time = 10/05/2016 18:56:17, Simulator time = 09:30:45 (09:30Z) 46687 Aircraft="Boeing 737-7Z9NGX Austrian Airlines Winglets" 46687 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66507 (0x000103cb), Param= 1000 (0x000003e8) PANEL_ID_OPEN 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65956 (0x000101a4), Param= 1 (0x00000001) FUEL_SELECTOR_ALL 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65962 (0x000101aa), Param= 1 (0x00000001) FUEL_SELECTOR_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66517 (0x000103d5), Param= 1 (0x00000001) FUEL_SELECTOR_2_ALL 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66523 (0x000103db), Param= 1 (0x00000001) FUEL_SELECTOR_2_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66463 (0x0001039f), Param= 0 (0x00000000) COM1_TRANSMIT_SELECT 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66466 (0x000103a2), Param= 0 (0x00000000) COM_RECEIVE_ALL_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65716 (0x000100b4), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR1_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66466 (0x000103a2), Param= 0 (0x00000000) COM_RECEIVE_ALL_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66463 (0x0001039f), Param= 0 (0x00000000) COM1_TRANSMIT_SELECT 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65707 (0x000100ab), Param= 6215 (0x00001847) COM_RADIO_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66371 (0x00010343), Param= 10277 (0x00002825) COM_STBY_RADIO_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66442 (0x0001038a), Param= 10112 (0x00002780) COM2_RADIO_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66443 (0x0001038b), Param= 10128 (0x00002790) COM2_STBY_RADIO_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65708 (0x000100ac), Param= 4976 (0x00001370) NAV1_RADIO_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66447 (0x0001038f), Param= 5920 (0x00001720) NAV1_STBY_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65709 (0x000100ad), Param= 4192 (0x00001060) NAV2_RADIO_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66451 (0x00010393), Param= 5760 (0x00001680) NAV2_STBY_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65714 (0x000100b2), Param= 644 (0x00000284) ADF_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65715 (0x000100b3), Param= 30514 (0x00007732) XPNDR_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65716 (0x000100b4), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR1_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65717 (0x000100b5), Param= 0 (0x00000000) VOR2_SET 48297 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66720 (0x000104a0), Param= 0 (0x00000000) ANTISKID_BRAKES_TOGGLE 49375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 51344 Starting everything now ... 51391 ASN active function link set 51391 Ready for ASN WX radar 52672 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 53375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 57375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 61375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 65391 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 69406 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 73375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 77375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 81391 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 82953 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 38 secs = 28.2 fps 82953 Max AI traffic was 13 aircraft 84437 *** Entered Buttons option page *** 92562 FirstButtonChange res=00000002 (0.0, 2) 93500 FirstButtonChange res=00000003 (0.0, 3) 94437 FirstButtonChange res=00000003 (0.0, 3) 96125 FirstButtonChange res=00000003 (0.0, 3) 99437 FirstButtonChange res=00000002 (0.0, 2) 100344 FirstButtonChange res=00000003 (0.0, 3) 101922 FirstButtonChange res=00000001 (0.0, 1) 104375 FirstButtonChange res=00000003 (0.0, 3) 105641 FirstButtonChange res=00000002 (0.0, 2) 107406 FirstButtonChange res=00000002 (0.0, 2) 108281 FirstButtonChange res=00000003 (0.0, 3) 109344 *** Exiting Buttons option page *** 109375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 109375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 109375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 109375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 109375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 109375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 109375 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 196880 (0x00030110), Param= 0 (0x00000000) <unknown> 109391 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65794 (0x00010102), Param= 0 (0x00000000) PAUSE_ON 109969 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 69974 (0x00011156), Param= 4194304 (0x00400000) <69974> 110000 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 69974 (0x00011156), Param= 4194304 (0x00400000) <69974> 110031 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 69974 (0x00011156), Param= 4194304 (0x00400000) <69974> 110234 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 69981 (0x0001115d), Param= 4194304 (0x00400000) <69981> 110281 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 69981 (0x0001115d), Param= 4194304 (0x00400000) <69981> 110312 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 69981 (0x0001115d), Param= 4194304 (0x00400000) <69981> 110344 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 69981 (0x0001115d), Param= 4194304 (0x00400000) <69981> 111984 KEYDOWN: VK=80, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0 111984 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 111984 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65561 (0x00010019), Param= 0 (0x00000000) PAUSE_TOGGLE 112047 KEYUP: VK=80, Waiting=0 112719 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=3, Pressed 112719 [buttons] 1=R0,3,C65615,0 112719 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=3 (RepeatDelayCtr=1) 112719 FS Control Sent: Ctrl=65615, Param=0 112719 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 85639 (0x00014e87), Param= 1 (0x00000001) <85639> 112875 Button held, flags=X05, repeat set: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=3, (RepeatOk sets 2) 112875 [buttons] 1=R0,3,C65615,0 112875 Repeating flag set: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=3 (RepeatDelayCtr=11) 112875 FS Control Sent: Ctrl=65615, Param=0 112875 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 85639 (0x00014e87), Param= 1 (0x00000001) <85639> 11
  4. Not at home now and will try the logging later and perhaps send if I cant figure it out. To answer your questions I have disabled controllers in P3Dv3.2. I have been assigning buttons to keypresses for years now, no issues. Only autopilot, auto throttle and TO/GO are assigned to keypresses. PMDG has key commands and I have assigned those 3 to the key commands in the FMC.
  5. When I fly with PMDG 737 or 777 the gear keeps going down, A/P disengages, spoilers arm without operating any keys during flight. I'm constantly resetting the controls. When I checked for key conflicts I found any key programmed with Elevator trim Dn will disengage the autopilot only with NGX. I am using a Saitek yoke. I realize I was not using the most updated version, so I updated to the latest but same thing. I removed the config file to start over the programming. I programmed the autopilot on the Saitek yoke with the key command in the NGX. I then programmed a button on the yoke to the Elevator trim Dn. Everytime I operate this key it disengages the autopilot. Any key with the Elevator trim Dn operates the autopilot. When I clear the trim key programming its fine. I have not programmed anything else until I figure this out. I checked all the key commands in the FMC but nothing. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
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