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Everything posted by Lapi

  1. The FSX/P3D SDKs give a brief description of the parameters. Unfortunately I have no knowledge of any utility which could really help you in that. There's a nice little payware prg named FSSound Studio, but it's a bit old and although good for putting together and combining sounds, the DS positioning part was not done for it. Once you understand the DirectSound concept, it is probably easy to modify the sound locations, as most commercial packs use 5-7 stereo sounds altogether for jet-whine, so you can modify the parameters by hand and it's not a complicated matter at all. (In case you did a good left channel positioning for the sounds, for the right one you simply need to define diametrically opposing values.) Edit: I do hope you were not serious when did the " windows not being sealed properly which creates a pressurization leak" comment... Lapi
  2. It is not FS/P3D, it's not the FS sound-engine, it rather means your sound-set is simply badly done... FS uses a quite refined method for the sound locations, it is directX's DirectSound engine, which defines the "cone" of the sounds 360 degrees around you. If you are inside that cone and cone angle, it is that defined location & angle within which the sound is at its normal volume (to be found in the sound.cfg file, for each sound). There are variables, like the ConeHeading, ConePitch, OutsideConeVolume, full_scale_distance, etc. for each sound which determine what you hear - in relation to the source position of the particular sound. As in FS jet-whine sounds are usually comprised of several lower and higher sounds, it is the designer's task to place them into the right "place" inside the cone, of course depending on where the engines are. If your sound-set has not been done carefully in this regard, perhaps the best is to study this DirectSound system a bit and modify the properties of your sounds in the cone. Takes some time and has a tiny learning curve, but still easier and better than trying to "solve" a problem by external utilities, which has been readily available for those who designed the sounds for that particular aircraft. (Or even more obviously to ask the designer of the sound-set to place the sounds at their right places...) Lapi
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