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  1. solved. old sidewinder usb joystick was plugged in and the stick was leaning to the right. the game must have been taking that as input.
  2. reinstalled, same thing, i can click on for example traffic densit at 50%, then as soon as i click it, the slider goes right back to 100%, i have tried it with 2 different mice, same result. this only happens with the game so i don't know what has happened that is causing the game to think a slider is being clicked and constantly slid to the right. it does it on all the sllders in the setting as well.
  3. Nothing changed. I even reinstalled my image backup of my system from 2 weeks ago so the files are the same, but same result. The mouse is the same, it only does this on the sliders in this game, it works normally in every other program i have tried.
  4. Everything was working fine until today. now anytime i try to move a slider such as the percentage of planes of any setting slider, it moves the slider to 100%. My mouse works fine on everything else and any other program. Any idea what is causing the sliders to keep acting like i am selecting and sliding all the way to the right when not even touch anything?
  5. All working. Just was not using the correct phrasing for the commands
  6. I just got a headset, i am able to issue my first pushback command, but after that, when i push shift, it beeps, but the voice recognition will not recognize anything until i close the game and restart. what do i need to change so the voice recognition will work after 1 command. i even listened to my mic to make sure my voice was clear and it was. i am using a hyperx stinger headset.
  7. is there a manual available anywhere at this point? i am new to this and not familiar with some of the options, so trying to understand what some of the commands do
  8. hi guys, very new to this. on the arriving planes, do they have to be routed to the runway listed or can you route them to any available runway you are using? for example i have active runways 7l, 7r, 24l and 24r, a arriving plane shows 7l, but i have nothing going to 24r, if i instruct cleared to final 24r and then cleared to land, is that ok or will that cause a penalty?
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