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Everything posted by titan2002

  1. Hello John, On what website/plattform will you release the FSUIPC7 beta at the 18th? Jonas
  2. Great news, but will the smartcars from TFDi work with FSUIPC7 ?
  3. Ok done, work now, thanks
  4. Ah sorry, dont see the question. Its the Steam edition so I think its SP1
  5. http://prntscr.com/ci3nlf cant add the picture without a link because of the 20kb limitation
  6. I use Win7 home Premium, that means I need to buy a new windows to play it without this errors? I hope you made a joke....
  7. Hi all, I tryed tower3D for the first time after SP1 and have the problem that I get a Popup (http://prnt.sc/ci0lhp) every time the pilots are talking to me. I think its because my PC is on german and not english, but I will play this without changing my PC language. Is there a way to fix this?
  8. If I do this, he use the intersection and then backtrack on the runway to the beginning Edit: now i have it, only select "taxi to" "runway" an then press on the runway, dont select the runway first ^^
  9. Hi Community, whats the command(s) for a Runway intersection takeoff ? The shoppage say " Runway intersection takeoffs are simulated" But I cant find any command for that. Thanks
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