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About jsferris

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Pete, I didn't think FSUIPC was the problem but I'm grabbing at straws here trying to find out what the problem could be. I searched the gauge folder and didn't see anything there that would be in conflict with the overall system. I guess that I'll just reload and see where I go from there. Thanks again for the reply. Scott
  2. Peter, I have spent the better part of this afternoon reloading FSUIPC and all of my control functions and this issue still exists. I originally assigned the F-10 Kneeboard function to a switch on my yoke. Initiating the switch brings up (very quickly) a small kneeboard followed by (very quickly) the original size kneeboard. It has apparently overlayed one over the other. The scrolling function seems to control the smaller one behind the larger one. Since I can only see the larger one, it appears as though it's truncate. That is "up scrolling shows a small area scrolling at the top and down scrolling show a small area moving at the bottom." It appears to be a canvassing error somewhere in the software. I never noticed it before installing FSUIPC. Any ideas???? I searched all through the Gauges folder for conflicts and found none that I could recognize. All CAB files have there own kneeboards and are only applied when I select an aircraft with that configuration. Thanks in advance. Scott
  3. Thanks for the quick reply. I solved this issue in the following way: Initially, setting the individual axes for each periphral while both devices were plugged into the USBs proved unsuccessful. Only when I established the assignments one device at a time was I able to get the desired configuration. I look forward to an update that would eliminate the FS program from the equation......
  4. I just purchased a reg'd version of FSUIPC and have sucessfully mapped all of the buttons for both the CH Yoke and CH Quad. My question is: can I assign the axes levers from the yoke too? I have the quad setup with Spoilers, throttles 1-4 and Flaps for the axes...can I also assign the yoke throttle, prop, and mixture levers concurrently? I would like to have the yoke's prop and mixture levers work for RPM and fuel Mixture as mapped to all 4 throttles on the CH quad. Thanks in advance for your response. jsf
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