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Posts posted by MF-Steam

  1. hmmm, the c++ program is something entirely new to me and wouldn't know how to do it.

    could you explain something for me? for example, I create a schedule using your program for Frankfurt and it says there are some 600 unique flights and a handful of cargo flights. yet when I take a look Frankfurt's actual movements say for 2015, there's +1000 movements per day. why is that? *assuming the data your inserted into the creator is 2015?  

  2. this is fantastic. job well done!

    I was looking into making schedules based on data from flight aware. any tips or pointers on how to make the task less of a mountain and more like a hill? I saw another poster that mentioned using excel and working with the data but I noticed 1-flight aware uses ICAO and tower uses IATA, 2-times aren't UTC and 3-times are not 24 hours.


  3. I just loaded up the game to play some Frankfurt (Tower2011) and I'm not getting any traffic or sound. I did a quick search of the forum and couldn't find the fix. I know I came across this before and I don't know why I can't find the fix...I uninstalled and re-installed Frankfurt from the downloaded link and still no sound.

    Any help?

    Thanks in advance!

  4. The taxiways in-game and whats available online aren't matching up. For example online versions on the airport show runway 25C as 25R and the taxiways once given commands are not at all the same.

    Can anyone point me to the correct map, I've spent all afternoon looking for a map with the correct taxiways and runways.

    Or is there a patch?


  5. I fired up Frankfurt recently and it took a while to load up. Not really a problem but once the airport finished loading and I started getting requests for taxi, I would experience lag in relaying the order to the pilot via voice and in some cases the program isn't able to correctly relay the information from voice to text. Once the pilot receives instructions, the pilot follows through but the game becomes choppy.

    The other maps are fine and run smoothly (base maps +Newark +Gatwick. I've got a 2gb video card and an i5 43(something) and 8gb RAM.

    Anyone come across this and what did you do to get it to run smoothly?




  6. Quote




    I'm Monster Fart from Steam and I just bought the bundle. Unfortunately the game wasn't able to install correctly. Unfortunately, I can't attach the screen shot despite the size being 19.4 kb.

    The error says that I need to resolve following:

    ''Setup has detected that this computer does not meet the requirements to install this software. The following blocking issues must be resolved before you can install Microsoft Visual C++ x86 Redistributable Setup Software Package.

    A newer version of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable has been detected on this machine.''

    I've got Win 10 x86, running English (US) and as Amin and AL installed correctly...

    I hope someone can help out with this as I've purchased the game and it wouldn't even install??





  7. Hi

    I'm Monster Fart from Steam and I just bought the bundle. Unfortunately the game wasn't able to install correctly. Unfortunately, I can't attach the screen shot despite the size being 19.4 kb.

    The error says that I need to resolve following:

    ''Setup has detected that this computer does not meet the requirements to install this software. The following blocking issues must be resolved before you can install Microsoft Visual C++ x86 Redistributable Setup Software Package.

    A newer version of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable has been detected on this machine.''

    I've got Win 10 x86

    I hope someone can help out with this as I've purchased the game and it wouldn't even install??




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