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About alex49

  • Birthday October 25

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  1. Thanks for the tip Pete, will definitely try this since i still have FSX installed. I still have a lot to reinstall.... Thanks for your help, Alex
  2. It was quite a mess actually, when Prepar3D was new, a lot of scenery that I had previously had on FSX didn't have dedicated P3D installers, so I placed my fsx.exe into my P3D root folder, to try and overcome this..... (This is before I knew that there was a migration tool ://) So in turn some things didn't install properly in the long run. One of the ASN logs showed that my registry is pointing FSX to your P3D directory. So the solution, a fresh clean install of P3D, followed by FSUIPC and ASN and then all the addons which all have dedicated P3D installers now so there are no need for workarounds. Thanks again, Alex
  3. Helle Pete, I am delighted to inform you that this issue has been resolved. A complete uninstall and reinstall of P3D followed by FSUIPC and then ASN resolved the problem I just want to thank you for your time and help with the matter. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Thanks again, Alex
  4. Thank you very much Pete for your time, I am very much active on the ASN support forum also trying to untangle this mess. Sorry for bothering you while you should be relaxing and enjoying the glories weather in Spain.... Thanks again for your time and I'll get back to you when your back, Thanks again, Alex
  5. I loaded up P3D and this is what was logged....... ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.955c (14th June 2016) by Pete Dowson ********* Windows version reported as 6.2.?.9200 Prepar3D.exe version = Reading options from "D:\P3D\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini" Running inside Prepar3D v3 on Windows 8.0 or later Module base=59070000 User Name="" User Addr="" FSUIPC4 not user registered WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired 329 System time = 03/07/2016 19:26:52 329 FLT path = "C:\Users\alexp\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files\" 344 ------ Module Version Check ------ 344 acontain.dll: 344 api.dll: 344 controls.dll: 344 fs-traffic.dll: 344 G3D.dll: 344 language.dll: 344 sim1.dll: 344 visualfx.dll: 344 weather.dll: 344 window.dll: 344 ---------------------------------- 344 Trying D:\P3D\Modules\SimConnectP3D3.dll 344 Found it: trying to connect 344 FS path = "D:\P3D\" 625 LogOptions=00000000 00000001 625 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 625 ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------ 625 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok 625 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained 625 ASN active function link set 625 --- FS Controls Table located ok 625 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok. 625 Wind smoothing may be by ASN, not FSUIPC, if it is running 625 Will switch smoothing action when ASN starts/stops 625 --- All links okay (except older global weather setting method) 625 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 625 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 625 Trying to use SimConnect Prepar3D 53579 Running in "Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v3", Version: (SimConnect: 53579 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 53579 FSUIPC Menu entry added 53594 C:\Users\alexp\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Prepar3D_Default.fxml 53594 D:\P3D\SimObjects\Airplanes\IRIS Raptor Driver\Raptor.air 113188 D:\P3D\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-800NGX WL\B737-800WL.air 146547 System time = 03/07/2016 19:29:18, Simulator time = 17:28:41 (16:28Z) 149985 Weather Mode now = Theme 152547 Starting everything now ... 155704 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 203391 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 57 secs = 24.2 fps 203391 Max AI traffic was 1 aircraft 223969 === NOTE: not calling SimConnect_Close ... 224969 System time = 03/07/2016 19:30:36, Simulator time = 17:29:37 (16:29Z) 224969 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Minimum frame rate was 24.5 fps, Maximum was 26.4 fps Minimum available memory recorded was 1637Mb Average frame rate for running time of 57 secs = 24.2 fps Maximum AI traffic for session was 1 aircraft Memory managed: 22 Allocs, 22 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed *********** *note the line 'ASN WxRadar Active' is not present. Alex
  6. That line was present when I had loaded up P3D with a fresh installation of FSUIPC, and with that line present in the log the weather radar worked and I thought I had fixed the problem. Just to be sure I rebooted my computer and tried loading up P3D again, while monitoring the log. This second time the log was almost identical but it was missing the line 'ASN WxRadar Active' and the radar would not function. This is what puzzles me the most. Alex
  7. Thank you so much for your time and sorry if I'm being an absolute nuisance, but this has been extremely frustrating, you never know how much you actually like something until you lose it. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> <SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0"> <Descr>Launch</Descr> <Filename>dll.xml</Filename> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Launch.ManualLoad>False</Launch.ManualLoad> <Launch.Addon> <Name>PMDG HUD interface</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Path>PMDG\DLLs\PMDG_HUD_interface.dll</Path> <DllStartName>module_init</DllStartName> <DllStopName>module_deinit</DllStopName> </Launch.Addon> <Launch.Addon> <Name>VAInterface</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Path>Modules\VAInterface.dll</Path> <DllStartName>module_init</DllStartName> <DllStopName>module_deinit</DllStopName> </Launch.Addon> <Launch.Addon> <Name>RAASPRO</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Path>.\RAASPRO\RAASPRO.dll</Path> <DllStartName>module_init</DllStartName> <DllStopName>module_deinit</DllStopName> </Launch.Addon> <Launch.Addon> <Name>FSUIPC 4</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Path>Modules\FSUIPC4.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> <Launch.Addon> <Name>as_connect</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Path>as_srv\as_btstrp.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> </SimBase.Document> The DLL.XML seems in order, yet another dead end. I have contacted both the ASN forums and PMDG forums so maybe some luck will arise there. Thanks again for your time and enjoy your holiday! Speak to you again when your back, Alex
  8. What do you mean by 'ASN cannot support more than one client for its radar services'? I am only running one client. [General] UpdatedByVersion=4955c History=Q02WF6TJL1W38L1PMXQBZ AxesWrongRange=No TCASid=Flight TCASrange=40 AxisCalibration=No DirectAxesToCalibs=No ShowMultilineWindow=Yes SuppressSingleline=No SuppressMultilineFS=No AxisIntercepts=No DontResetAxes=No InitDelay=0 GetNearestAirports=No LogOptionProtect=Yes OOMcheck=Yes OOMcheckInterval=10 WeatherReadFactor=2 WeatherRewriteSeconds=1 CustomWeatherModify=No SimConnectStallTime=1 InitialStallTime=10 NormalStallTime=1 LuaRerunDelay=66 FSVersionUsed="Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v3", SimConnectUsed= Console=No [WideServer] WideFSenabled=Yes [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No Here is my FSUIPC.ini, there are no ASN wx radar lines. I'm sorry I just can't wrap my head around what is wrong...
  9. A few days ago I updated to the latest version of FSUIPC (4.955c), soon after I realised that the weather radar in my PMDG 737 was not functioning. I had bought Active Sky Next for P3D about a week ago and the weather radar had been working fine up to this point. I tried uninstalling and rolling back to an older version with no success. I then uninstalled FSUIPC completely and the weather radar was back to normal, the problem is that I use FSUIPC heavily and need it present on my sim. I reverted back to one version yesterday and the first attempt worked, while the second and third failed, on examining the log the very first time the line 'ASN WEATHER RADAR ACTIVE' was present, on other tries it was not. Here is my log below, ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.955c (14th June 2016) by Pete Dowson ********* Windows version reported as 6.2.?.9200 Prepar3D.exe version = Running inside Prepar3D v3 on Windows 8.0 or later Module base=51350000 User Name="" User Addr="" FSUIPC4 not user registered WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired 31 System time = 03/07/2016 11:35:32 31 FLT path = "C:\Users\alexp\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files\" 31 ------ Module Version Check ------ 31 acontain.dll: 31 api.dll: 31 controls.dll: 31 fs-traffic.dll: 31 G3D.dll: 31 language.dll: 31 sim1.dll: 31 visualfx.dll: 31 weather.dll: 31 window.dll: 31 ---------------------------------- 31 Trying D:\P3D\Modules\SimConnectP3D3.dll 31 Found it: trying to connect 31 FS path = "D:\P3D\" 328 LogOptions=00000000 00000001 328 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 328 ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------ 328 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok 328 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained 328 ASN active function link set 328 --- FS Controls Table located ok 328 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok. 328 Wind smoothing may be by ASN, not FSUIPC, if it is running 328 Will switch smoothing action when ASN starts/stops 328 --- All links okay (except older global weather setting method) 328 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 328 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 328 Trying to use SimConnect Prepar3D 56922 Running in "Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v3", Version: (SimConnect: 56922 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 56922 FSUIPC Menu entry added 56938 C:\Users\alexp\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files\Default 2.0 56938 D:\P3D\SimObjects\Airplanes\Beech_King_Air_350\Beech_King_Air_350.air 95031 D:\P3D\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-800NGX WL\B737-800WL.air 122891 System time = 03/07/2016 11:37:35, Simulator time = 09:32:16 (08:32Z) 126391 Weather Mode now = Theme 127906 Starting everything now ... 131219 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled I really hope and would appreciate if someone could help me with this problem, Thanks
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