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  1. Firstly many thanks to Pete for the help he provided... Sorry for late reply I was in germany for a Cargolux China assessment (sadly never got though the DLR testing) - aww well at least i have a job. but its fine here is the three line of code i have working the switch i wired up to a desktop aviator card [Buttons.pmdg737] 1=CP(F-1,0)1,0,C69634,1 -{Custom control: <69634>}- pmdg guarded battery switch 2=CP(F+1,0)1,0,C69634,0 - actual battery switch 3=CP(F-1,0)1,0,C69633,0 many thanks once again :-)
  2. Hi Pete, thanks for your info, i'll have a play around tonight with all the stuff you have given me one i put the child in bed and the wife allows me to get the laptop out. Sorry for any confusion i was causing, clearly this is my lack of understanding about how it all works behind the scenes. Will try this stuff and let you know how it all works out. Thanks once again norman
  3. Hi Pete I took a little video of the problem im having maybe, will explain better.... maybe im just way off the mark with this one and you'll be able to see what im doing right away is the wrong approach. Im really grateful for all your assistance... cheers Norman
  4. Hi pete thanks for the speedy reply, because the 737ng from pmdg ( i think ) doesnt work with the generic aircraft controls "toggle master battery" i decided i could maybe make it work with the offsets and fsupic. So i used the code above from first post and droped that straight into the config file. But yes exactly as you pointed out - I have turned if off then on with the button press, but thats where i became stuck. Is there some way i could add a test to the script? Like an if then else statement? is something like this even possible? Or is there an easier solution? Many thanks for all your help. (Hopefully in not being completely daft here) norman
  5. Hi Pete thank you for your reply. what I would like to achieve I think is straight forward I hope. if you imagine the aircraft is cold and dark with everything off the Battery switch would stay be in the off position, I would then like to flip a physical switch to make the FSX move the battery to the ON position. So far I have got that to work, but when I flip the switch to the off position it then moves the switch remains in the On position (well actually it seems to toggle between the off and on) the physical switch acts like a momentary push switch instead of a continuous switch, because the I/O card the switch is connected to is basically a game controller. many thanks in advance Norman
  6. Hi everyone, (sorry this is repost) think previous post was deleted and now got lost some where. I'm very new to the forum, so please forgive me if I open a can of worms here and this have already been discussed to death. I've read some of the pass posts and topics of buttons, and Pete wonderful guide on (advanced Users guide) Adding offset conditions, but still struggling to try and achieve what I would like to do, maybe its all in there and I have just miss read or understood something. Basically I have several toggle switches and they are wired to a game controller, its actually a desktop aviator card with 36 connections. when I flip a toggle switch one way, the response is computer picks up is a 1/2sec button press so in other words a momentary push switch. (yes the toggle switch is a momentary push switch So following the guides and advanced users guide I've come up with the following three lines of script. [Buttons.pmdg737] 1=P0,11,C1005,3842 -joy 0 button 11, toggle flag, 256 * joystick 15 + button 2 2=CP(F+15,2)0,11,69633,0 - condition ( joystick 15,2)physical control, pmdg offset 69633, set 0 3=CP(F-15,2)0,11,69633,1 - condition ( joystick 15,2)physical control, pmdg offset 69633, set 1 Issues i have is : flipping switch one way turn switch from off to on. But subiquent flipping of switch will have pmdg cycle the respective element off then back to on. what i really need is an if statement or case select to test position? If such a thing exists. maybe someone solved this problem 10 years ago and I just haven't come across it yet. Many thanks for reading. Norm 0 Quote
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