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Rick S.

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  1. Seems the problem had to do with my 2nd PCs firewall. WideFS was in there but set to specific ports (8002, 9002). Once I removed those specific port and just selected any it connected. Very strange. Thanx for the help -Rick
  2. I have 4 different sims. FSX, P3Dv3, P3Dv5 and MSFS 2020 all on the same computer. Ports have already been opened. FSUIPC is on my main computer where they are supposed to be for each version. All utilities for the versions are run on another system and networked with the same workgroup. The only one that seems to have problems is P3Dv3. I'll try your suggestions and report back.
  3. Network cards are both working just fine. Both can send and receive data just fine. No errors in the event viewer other than what is related to my VR headset. Logs attached. The missing number in the address in the message I sent was a typo and is not what is in my ini file. FSUIPC4.ini WideClient.log WideClient.ini FSUIPC4.log WideServer.log
  4. Of course I've checked the log. That was the first thing I did. Also, I read the manual and tried your suggestion before even asking for help. FSUIPC didn't even create a log until I shut down the sim. Maybe that's normal. Here's what I got running it the way you suggested FSUIPC4.log WideServer.log WideClient.log
  5. and are the same computer just different network cards. Each network card has it's own dedicated IP address. FSXCOMPUTER should resolve to .3 which is the main card. Here are the 2 files: WideClient.ini WideClientLog.7z
  6. Good morning. I've looked though the forums to see if I can locate anything like my particular problem and no luck. So I'm reaching out. I am using 2 different networked computers. I have 2 network cards in each computer and all IP addresses are dedicated addresses. One of the cards is connected directly to the other computer via a cross-over cable. When WideFS loads up it try to poll the cross-over maching at and not I've hardcoded the address inside the wideclient.ini file to specifiy Now, this is where it gets really weird. It works FINE with MSFS (using the correct FSUIPC version, of course) and gives me no problems. Anyone have any ideas? Logs attached WideServer.log FSUIPC4.ini FSUIPC4.log WideClient.log
  7. Figured it out. Seems you cannot run AIGTC directly from the command line and pass a parameter. You have to launch it via a shortcut with the -MSFS2020 parameter tacked to the end. FSUIPC is launching the AIGTC now by launching via the shortcut without any errors so now it's over to Alpha-India Group to suggest allowing the passing of parameters via the command line. Thanx for all your help! -Rick
  8. You're on the board early. 🙂 Here's the actual cut and paste from file explorer: E:\MSFS2020Utils\AIGTC Here's the executable name: AIGTech - Traffic Controller.exe Decided to try to remove the -MSFS2020 option from the end to see if it would run then. THIS time it gave me a code 740 with means run with admin privileges. It already IS elevated, so I don't know what's going on. -Rick
  9. Morning. I'm attempting to run AIG Traffic Manager automatically via the RunIfx command. Here's the command line I use: RunIf1="E:\MSFS2020Utils\AIGTC\AIGTech - Traffic Controller.exe" "-MSFS2020" This is the error I'm receiving from FSUIPC: FSUIPC couldn't run: "E:\MSFS2020Utils\AIGTC\AIGTech - Traffic Controller.exe" "-MSFS2020" in folder "E:\MSFS2020Utils\AIGTC" [Error=2] Don't know what the error code stand for since I couldn't find any error code listings in the docs. Any idea what would be causing this? I have another entry that works fine (no quote needed on it though) so I'm not sure what the deal is. Thanx in advance! -Rick
  10. Yes, I seen that one John. Was hesitant since it appears the way it works is to inject DLL code into the program you're trying to force to a specific IP. I'd rather not do that but thanks for the info. -Rick
  11. I looked through the advance documentation and could not locate what I was looking to find. I have 2 network cards in my computer. One is my normal hard-wired line to my internet. The second is a cross-over cable connecting my two rigs I have next to each other. On this last loadup of MSFS FSU7 hooked to my cross-over network rather than the normal network. Needless to say WideFS never connected. Is there a way to force it to use a specific network card so I can avoid this in the future? Thanx! -Rick
  12. Yes, I think Windblows updated on me. I hate the fact that you are forced to take the update whether you want it or not. I'll check into the Joy Letters per your suggestion.... -Rick
  13. Good morning. I'm running 2 Saitek flight yokes, a set of rudder pedals, and a dual set of throttles. All wires on the 2nd flight yoke are cut except for the yoke itself. I use it at as tiller (had an extra yoke). For some reason FSUIPC will occasionally scramble all the assignments and calibrations of my setup. I can find no underlying reason. The GUID of the devices should not have changed. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Thanx -Rick
  14. Asking how I see it from 25ft away. Twisted patch cable is not an option so I'll just deal with it. Thanx.
  15. lol Cute. The cable modem is in another room (about 10 ft on a direct line and 25ft by cable through the wall). The 2 computers I'm using are side-by-side in my flight sim room. -Rick
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