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Everything posted by Fabo.sk

  1. I would prefer to send a specific value. Is that an option?
  2. Hi, if my understanding is correct, the functionality for buttons to "Select for FS Control" options "ThrottleN Set" with parameter does not work when "Direct to FSUIPC calibration" is used on an axis. I would like to use buttons to control reverse range, while keeping the axis with no reverse. Is it possible to send a value to throttle axis somehow? using Input Event or something? to enable this?
  3. Yes, I am sure. Let me reiterate the situation: I own: a set of Saitek pedals, always connected a joystick with twist axis, used to fly the Airbus and small aircraft a yoke, used to fly everything else. My goal is to maintain the separate tiller whenever the joystick is connected. However, if I start my sim with the joystick disconnected, and yoke connected, I cannot use the tiller axis and would like to retain steering by rudder pedals.
  4. Hello all, recently I've ran into a bit of an issue. Due to the way FSL Airbus is programmed, I have mapped the rotational axis on the joystick I use for it as steering tiller. On most other airplanes, I use a Saitek yoke. Previously I'd used separate profiles, but I just moved to P3D and figured there isn't really a need for that right now, as there will only be one or the other connected so there is never any interference. However, the simulator still behaved like it would with tiller active, even with the joystick disconnected. Given that joystick wasn't connected, I couldn't even delete the assignment would it be possible to make it so that if the controller with tiller axis mapping is disconnected, tiller is ignored, and rudder would be connected normally at slow speeds? Thanks
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