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  1. Please advise how I can address the two knobs on a Garmin G500/600 within fsuipc. I don't see them in your pull down menus and I have tried the G1000 MFD knobs and GPS Knobs. Please advise.
  2. Is there any intent to develop a version of FSUIPC for the latest version of P3D? (Version 4) This is a new 64 bit application.
  3. Did you plug in to the same USB port? Yes Here I can unplug and replug devices at any time, whether FS/P3D is running or not. The assignments stay. They are dictated by the Registry, not by FSUIPC. But then though I've got, for instance, two apparently identical Bodnar boards, Windows and therefore FSUIPC distinguishes them by their Serial numbers, which, unfortunately, many devices don't supply on the USB interface. Are you sure when you say "FSUIPC did not recognize any of the controllers" that the two Pokeys were not simply swapped? Apart from two Pokeys, what others are there? How did you decide FSUIPC didn't recognize them? I launched P3D, then opened FSUIPC then review the axis and button assignments and neither Pokeys responded. Of course when I look in controls in P3D, both PoKeys were recognized. Deleting JoyNames won't magically make FSUIPC "recognize" joystick devices! the entries there only tell it how to assign them when it hasrecognised them. so I think you are not describing this properly. I deleted all the information under the section of JoyNames and it worked when I restarted FSUIPC. What probably happened was that, since the Pokeys devices are probably indistinguishable to FSUIPC, it saw them in a different order and so cross-assigned them. the fix is simply to change the numbers or letters or both over in the JoyNames section. I"ll keep an eye on these errors. Tim
  4. Pete, I have faced another problem with FSUIPC & P3D. Everything was working fine, I accidentally started P3D without the pokeys plugged into the computer. I shutdown P3D, plugged in the USB controls in and restarted P3D and no joy. P3D recognized the controllers were plugged in but FSUIPC did not recognize any of the controllers. The fix was to edit the .ini file to again remove the devices in [JoyNames] section, but left all calibration data. I restarted and everything worked. The only other thing I changed when I started P3D that session was the date & time, could this effect things? Attached are the log & ini files. Regards, Tim FSUIPC4.ini FSUIPC4.log
  5. Thomas & Pete, I deleted the devices in [JoyNames] section and both Pokeys work. Thanks for your help, your assistance was awesome. Let me know if you need any files. Regards, Tim
  6. If you shut down P3D...then it does not work. Can I uninstall FSUIPC and do a fresh install?
  7. Pete, did some testing, if i unplug them and plug them in one by one it recognizes them, but if you shut it down then it does not work. it seams that it keeps incrementing the Joy# up each time it is replugged in. I'm up to #4 & #5. Does this help? Tim
  8. Pete, I have several modules folders, one for FSX & one for P3D. I assume you want it installed in the P3D. if so, I have completed as you instructed...no joy. do I need to do anything to the .INI file? Tim
  9. You requested the log files for FSX, P3D and the _Debug log. I only sent the debug lot file. Off to church, I'll try your fix later. Thanks for your help. Tim
  10. Pete, The site would not allow me to add the additional log files....
  11. Pete, Here are the requested files, the _Debug.log has your additional code. Thanks, Tim FSUIPC4_P3D_Debug.log
  12. I have just installed the latest version of P3D and the latest version FSUIPC, this is a registered version. When I select FSUIPC from the add-on's it only recognizes one of my Pokey's controllers. If I launch FSX, they are both there in FSUIPC and configurable. What am I doing wrong in P3D???? Thanks, Tim
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