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Everything posted by PilotenOslo

  1. Hello Pete Now it works :) I follow your tips an now it works. This is a very good training for me. Thank you. I have many greetings from Fred Solli that tips me about you :)
  2. I realy hope someone can help me to get my garmin 196 work with FS. Here what I have done: I have put GPSout.ini and .dll into the Flight Simulator Modules folder. In GPS ini Sentences=RMA,RMC,GLL,GGA Sentences=AV400. Interval=1000 Port=COM5 Speed=9600 PosTo6Decimal=Yes Since my laptop ( Toshiba G20) dosent have a Seriell port and only usb I have MixW ComEmul. Here I have set Pair # = Pair #1 First emulated port = COM5 Second emulated port COM6 The usb port that go to GPS is in comport5 In Device Manager I can see this text Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM5) The gps (Garmin GPSmap 196) Is in Simulating GPS and Aviation IN When I start up FS and turn om GPS notting is happen… Can someone help me? Sorry for my bad English…
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