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Posts posted by silberz

  1. Dear Pete and Thomas,

    Thank you for your helpful messages. To make myself clear:

    -- when I run FSX-SE and then VRiSim, and then I select the default C172, the Radio Stack works perfectly, all buttons and dials.
    -- however if I select A2A C172, almost none of the buttons do not work properly: COM1, COM2, NAV1 and NAV2 ON/OFF, DME R1 and R2 buttons do not work.

    FSUIPC4 + VSPE are supposed to solve the problem (see Appendix 3 of their Advanced Documentation), so I bought them.

    Now I followed your instructions:

    run VSPE with pair COM4<=>COM5

    Add lines to FSUIPC4.ini

    run FSX, select default C172
    run VRiSim, then Connect

    However, in FSUIPC4 plugin, when I select tab "Buttons + Switches", only the bottom part of the radio stack respond:

    -- none of the COM, NAV, ADF and DME panels button are recognized
    -- the Transponder and Autopilot panels' buttons are "kind of" recognized by FSUIPC, but only when I push each button twice, both in FSUIPC plugin and back in the cockpit.

    Then, I did not find the corresponding FSUIPC functions for buttons: "TRANSPONDER VFR", "TRANSPONDER NORM", "AUTOPILOT THR" nor "AUTOPILOT FD".

    To recap:

    (1) FSUIPC recognizes only the bottom 2 panels of the radio stack. Is it possible that there is other COMs that come in play? If so how to find out which COMs are involved and how to pair them in FSUIPC?

    Maybe a hint: the VRInsight sofware "SFP2_COM_KeyMapper.exe" only displays these two bottom panels...

    (2) For the two bottom panels (Transponder and Autopilot), FSUIPC only recognize events when I hit buttons twice (and same back in the cockpit). Is there any way FSUIPC could react at the first press of these buttons (just like for other joystick buttons?)

    (3) There are a few functions missing in FSUIPC (even though without FSUIPC, on the default C172, they all work fine).



  2. Pete,

    I agree with you that I dont understand much of COMs, virtual COMs, USB devices pretending to be connected to COMs etc. I do know for a fact though:

    -- the FSUIPC4 documentation mentions VRInsight hardware, and specifically the radio stack, at the beginning of Appendix 3 in Document for Advanced Users. It gives the very precise sequence of operations needed to control a VRInsight hardware from FSUIPC. I followed the instructions exactly.

    -- I see no software (neither in the Windows 10 startup, nor even in Task Manager) that could be responsible for blocking COM3. However, right after Windows starts, I do see in the Windows Driver Manager that in the "COM Ports" field there is a "USB Serial Port (COM3)".

    If COM3 is already taken by the USB driver, doesn't this explain why VSPE refuses to give me pair this port?

    What should I do to either stop the USB driver to block COM3, or else to pair COM3 to another port (in VSPE), or else to force SerialFP to connect the RadioStack to another port?

    I understand your frustration trying to explain something so simple (for you) to a customer (who do not understand COMs). But Please consider that I bought both FSUIPC4 and VSPE ($50) based on the documentation clearly stating how to connect VRInsight hardware to FSUIPC4, and I followed the instructions exactly.

    Please help!



  3. Pete,

    Pete sorry to insist, but even though I am not familiar with virtual COMs I am trying my best to make it work (I bought both FSUIPC and VSPE). I confirm that:

    -- VRInsight needs FSUIPC (the free version) to be installed to even work in the standard FSX C172.

    -- If I do not run SerialFP, then the radiostack does not even turn on.

    -- there is no documentation whatsoever aside the installation manual. And no customer support.

    As I said, the only way to set VSPE to COM3<=>COM4 is to disconnect the radiostack.

    When I connect the radiostack, it does take over COM3 at startup. Afterwards, COM3 is taken, therefore it is no longer possible to set COM3 in VSPE. What pair of COM should then I enter in VSPE ? I understand that I will set the same exact pair in FSUIPC4.ini




  4. Pete,

    -- the VRInsight Radio Stack comes with the free version of FSUIPC. It is not possible to use it without FSUIPC.

    -- I disconnected the radio stack and then restarted my PC, and then the COM3 is now available in VSPE

    I set up VSPE to use COM3 <=> COM4

    I set FSUIPC.ini to COM3, COM4; I removed the [Programs] section that calls SerialFP

    I turned off my PC; I reconnected the radio stack; I started the PC; I ran VSPE (with COM3 <=> COM4)

    I started FSX

    I started SerialFP.exe, but now it does not find the radiostack...

    In the FSUIPC4.log file, I still find the two lines:

          469 VRI port 1 "COM3" opened
          469 VRI driver port 1 "COM4" also opened
    but no connection afterwards.

    It looks like VRInsight Radio Stack installation creates a hard link to COM3 (maybe in Windows Start?) so that even if I dont run SerialFP, it takes over COM3.

    When I forced VSPE to use COM3<=>COM4, now SerialFP cannot find the radiostack.

    Do you have any idea how the RadioStack could hijack COM3, even before I call SerialFP ? I am not familiar with Windows 10: maybe something in the Start Folder? in a registry? How to get it undone?

    Knowing that for some reason RadioStack wants to use Com3, is there a workaround with VSPE or FSUIPC4?

    Thanks for your help



  5. Thanks Pete for your help (a Sunday!)

    Written on the front, is "Instrument Radio Stack (c)2008 VRinsight"

    It is surely a COM problem. I just noticed that

    (1) I cannot set VSPE to COM3 (it is not even present in the pull-down menu)

    (2) but I can set VSPE to COM5-COM6 (and the corresponding line in FSUIPC4.ini)

    (3) However, when SerialFP2 is fired (by FSUPIC, thanks to the [Programs] line in FSUPC4.ini), it displays COM3 as greyed out, so that I cannot set it to anything else.

    (3) i also tried to run "VRiSIM" instead of SerialFP2: same thing: the field COM3 cannot be edited...

  6. Hello,

    FSUIPC does not see my radiostack:

    I have a VRInsight RadioStack, a Windows 10 64-bit, FSX-Steam Edition and A2A C172.

    I bought a license of FSUIPC as well as a license for Eterlogic VSPE.

    I followed the direction to create a pair with Eterlogic VSPE (COM1, COM2), see Eterlogic_12.vspe attached

    I followed the Advanced direction to add the following lines in FSUIPC4.ini (in FSX\Modules), see FSUIPC4.ini attached

    1=COM1, COM2

    Run1=READY,CLOSE,C:\Program Files (x86)\VRInsight\bin\SerialFP2.exe

    When I run FSX-SE, I see the following two lines in FSUPC4.log, as expected:

     453 VRI port 1 "COM1" opened
     453 VRI driver port 1 "COM2" also opened

    However I dont see anything similar to what the advanced documentation says I should see, lines like:

    VRI COM2 ---> CMDRST [from VRI Driver]
    VRI COM5 <--- CMDRST [to Device]

    No VRI line after the two lines "453" above...

    When I run the FSUIPC plugin, and then go to the tab "Buttons and Switches", nothing happens when I push any of the Radiostack buttons...

    What did I do wrong? I am attaching the FSUIPC.log, FSUIPC.ini and Eterlogic_12.vspe files.

    Please help


    --Max Silberztein




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