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Posts posted by pwareing

  1. Hi John

    Thanks for a prompt reply. 

    After switching my PC on yesterday and taking another look I see they are present and correct in the list.

    I honestly don't know if I simply missed them before creating this post, or whether the restart had some effect.

    Either way - everything is good & working now, and you can close this thread.

    Thanks again


  2. Hi

    I'm using a registered version of FSUIPC7 with MSFS (v7.2.10).  

    I installed and enabled the WASM module and was able to list lvars (A32NX) and set one - via the WASM menu.

    I created a macro file (FBW.mcro) and put in an LVAR...



    When I try to assign this macro to a button, nothing for the macro appears in the controls dropdown.

    'FBW' is listed in the macro files section of the FSUIPC ini file.

    I guess I'm missing something simple.  

    Can anyone suggest what that might be?



  3. Hi Peter

    I have the CH Flightsim Yoke with 3 levers and also the CH throttle quadrant.

    I want to use the three levers on the yoke for the landing gear lever, speedbrake and flaps selector.

    Using my registered copy of FSUIPC I can easily set up the flaps selector and the speedbrake control.

    But because the landing gear control normally maps to a switch rather than an analogue lever I cannot set up the third lever as my gear control.

    Is it possible to configure this 3rd lever as the gear control??


    Paul Wareing :wink:

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