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  1. Indeed pages 19-20. Im trying to set a finer trim rate using specific parameter for an addon aircraft via button controls. Thank you very much.
  2. Im using offsets for trim control, checking "repeat when pressed" for further motion. However when holding the key, it registers a single movement (size of parameter per key press), and then only a second later does it actualy start moving continuously. I know its not a major problem, but can it still be edited?
  3. I recently got a new controller, and while all axes and buttons are recognized it is impossible to create any assignment. Im only using a single controller recognized as #0. The function field under the Buttons and switches tab is always greyed out no matter which button is pressed.
  4. A more practical quetion: 20=N48,8,x4200088E,xC1805014 -{0: Press=offset sword decrement, offset 088E (Decr=20500, Limit=-16000) }- 21=N189,8,x42000926,xC1805014 -{-_key: Press=offset sword decrement, offset 0926 (Decr=20500, Limit=-16000) }- How can "0" be used to operate both offsets?
  5. The UI only allows one action per key press, as any previous one gets overwritten. How would a multi function assignment look like in ini?
  6. Im trying to initiate an lua script, 2 offsets and an action using a single key press. Ive already defined the various functions using the UI, assigning each to a different keyboard key. However editing the .ini, it simply seems to delete any function edited to an already associated key.
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